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送交者: 爪四哥 2021年03月18日15:07:20 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话


Eight Dead in Shootings at Massage Parlors in Metro Atlanta - Eagle Eye TV


我很欣慰地看到,爪闺女开始接过老爸手中的枪,勇于出头,勇于担当,并用实际行动为华裔,为亚裔维权。她积极参与“Stop Asia Hate”活动,在Instagram,Facebook等美国大众互联网平台上,得到广泛的支持转载与赞助,并被媒体引用报道。









My artwork is inspired by my recent experiences being cat-called on the street for being Asian, hearing about members of my family's community being attacked/almost suffocated, and seeing new Asian hate crimes everyday, which have risen 150% since COVID-19 started.??
Vicha Ratanapakdee. Angelo Quinto. Juanito Falcon. Hanako Abe. These are some of the beautiful lives who have been lost due Asian American violence. Noel Quintana. Please Tadataka Unno. Zeqiang Chen. Michael Hsu. Zheng. Ying Ngov. Phyllis Chu. Subhakar Khadka. These are only a few of fellow Asian Americans who have been brutally attacked, robbed, or racially slandered. ?(NOTE: there have been more who have passed away after the creation of this artwork, so I want to also recognize the deaths of Pak Ho, Ee Lee, Christian Hall, Cindy Song, Joyce Chiang and more)??
Please Stop Asian Hate. The elders in my community are being targeted, and they are afraid to walk alone outside. Small Asian businesses are being robbed. See something, say something. Report Incidents. Check-in with your Asian and pacific islander friends. Stay informed and help raise awareness about what’s happening. Please remember and celebrate the legacy of the victims. During this time, please also celebrate Asian joy, uplight Asian artists, support Asian businesses and communities, and recognize Asian accomplishments.?
Also, for my fellow AAPI, it's important to remember our own biases and aim for collective healing, support, and advancement with all minority groups. This should be a time to be building Afro-Asian solidarity, not tearing it down. We need to dismantle the “me vs you” attitude and instead replace it with “us vs hate.” Let's show up, fight for, and empower each other.??

Sending love to everyone [Sticker]. If you are interested in buying my artwork, please visit https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/73367645. All proceeds will be donated to https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/stop-aapi-hate

Additionally, here is a link https://tinyurl.com/help-aapi-communities of Ways to Donate to support Asian Communities!

Bree Zhang
Brown University
Class Board 2022, President

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