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送交者: 爪四哥 2023年05月20日03:47:12 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话





I am writing to you to express some concerns about the HB537 proposal. Concerns were expressed about the scope of the proposal. Strongly recommended that the bill exclude all student F visa holders, all types of work H visa holders, and anyone who did not work for the government of foreign adversary

According to World Population Review Research (https://worldpopulationreview.com/), the top 10 countries with the average IQ include Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the People's Republic of China. The average IQ of the Russian Federation and North Korea also ranks high in the world.

Self-funded overseas students studying and living in the universities in Louisiana from the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea, will be very beneficial to improve the academic ability and level of the universities in Louisiana. Furthermore, it can increase the income of the university and promote local economic development.

After self-funded foreign students obtain their degrees, staying in Louisiana to work and live will also greatly enhance the state's advantages in scientific research and technological competition. If these bright-minded scientific and technological talents are prohibited from purchasing, leasing, or otherwise acquiring immovable property, these bright minds will leave Louisiana, which will greatly weaken the competitiveness of the State of Louisiana in the fields of science and technology, education, and industrial innovation. Or we can say that it will greatly diminish Louisiana's ability to innovate in technology, education, and industry.

They are creators of wealth, not lazy people eating welfare. They will bring their expertise to Louisiana and make Louisiana even greater. We should welcome it, not trouble them who live in Louisiana.

Many years ago, when the Walt Disney Company wanted to build Disneyland in Southeast Louisiana, legislators at that time didn't really realize the wealth that Disneyland could bring to the State of Louisiana, only the negative impact of Disneyland. Later, Louisianan were overwhelmed by the wealth that Disney brought to Florida. As a Louisianan, I hope this failure of decision making and lesson learned never happens again.

I believe Louisiana will become more open to all smart people, rather than closed in on itself. I also believe our legislature can make the right decisions when challenges come. Thank you for your efforts to build a better Louisiana.


Yong Mo
A registered voter in Louisiana








WAKE UP !!!!



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