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送交者: cnoversea 2021月02月28日21:22:21 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 会"Blueberry Hill"。cnoversea 于 2021-02-28 18:56:35

 Blueberry Hill

 I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill 

 On Blueberry Hill when I found you 

 The moon stood still on Blueberry Hill 

 And lingered until my dreams came true 

 (The wind in the willow played

Love's sweet melody 

 But all of those vows we made

Were never to be) 

 Though we're apart, you're part of me still 

 For you were my thrill on Blueberry Hill 

 (I found my thrill) 

 Come climb the hill with me, baby 

 (on Blueberry Hill) 

 We'll see what we shall see 

  (on Blueberry Hill) 

  I'll bring my horn with me 

  (when I found you) 

  I'll be wit' you where berries are blue 

  (the moon stood still) 

 Each afternoon we'll go 

  (on Blueberry Hill) 

 Higher than the moon we'll go 

 (and lingered until) 

 Then, to a weddin' in June we'll go 

 (my dreams came true) 

 Ba-ba-da-de-buzz-buzz va-de-n-da-day 

 The wind in the willow played 

 (do you really love me) 

 Love's sweet melody 

 (as I love you?) 

 But all of those vows we made 

 (will you still remember) 

 Were never to be 

(when the night is through?) 

 Though we're apart, you're part of me still 

 For you were my thrill on Blueberry Hill


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