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Why We Shouldn't Have Homework at All(为啥不应有家庭作业)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月15日08:34:45 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

          I think we shouldn't have homework because it's boring, takes time, and is easy to forget. Multiple times my classmates forget to do homework, so I think we should be taking the word 'homework' out of the dictionary.

            The only way to describe homework is boring a lot. Every time I finish a page and check, it seems as if two more had taken the place of the one finished. Soon, I'm so bored and tired that when I'm finally finished, I barely notice. Homework always makes me that way, and when that happens, all the problems look the same. I might even do school work without even checking!

        Homework also takes up time. I usually plan ahead. But when it comes to homework, I almost always spend more time on homework than planned. Sometimes, I have to put down my pencil and stop because I was late for an extracurricular activity. From time to time, I'm also forced to go outside by my "nice" mother to get some fresh air. By the time I come inside, I probably forgot I even had homework. So, to make sure no one else will experience this, homework will have to go.

           Finally, homework is easy to forget. I never really thought of it, but homework seems like a test to see if you can remember things that we bring home. I have to say, some kids always forget to do their homework or they just simply leave it at home. Because of this, kid's grades are lowered by a noticeable amount.

            This is why we shouldn't have homework. One of Mom's best friends, Kathy agreed with me. "All day in school is enough time for school. Everyone needs time for sports or hobbies or reading or hanging with friends in order to be a full and wise and happy human being. "She emphasized, "Also, some people don't have someone at home who can help them if they need it, and everyone should have a fair chance to understand the work." Try to talk to your teacher or send a letter to the principle asking for a home free life.







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