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Top of the World in Dubai(迪拜世界之巅)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月16日09:26:10 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

       I was really excited for today because this afternoon Mom and I were to board the Nautica Oceania cruise ship to the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. But first, we were going to the world's largest mall and the tallest tower in Dubai known as the city of merchants. I just couldn't wait to get started.

       When we arrived at Dubai Mall, it looked like the crowed of a parade inside. Hundreds of shops were lined up one by one, selling everything from T-shirts to jewelry. I couldn't believe how many stores were in the mall. The Dubai Mall even had an "indoor" aquarium, an ice rink, and a movie cinema. If you were a shopper, you probably would've taken the whole day jumping from shop to shop.

      We were having lunch here and so we made our way to the food court. I wasn't surprised to see that there were at least 30 different fast-food restaurants and basically most of them were American. I tried to eat something non-American. In the end, however, I had no other choice but to settle with Burger King. If the restaurant wasn't American, then it was Chinese. And having local Arabians cook Chinese dishes, it would taste like an alien grilling your steak.

      After a meal made with pure fat and high calorie, Mom and I received tickets from our tour guide to ride the fastest elevator in the world to the tallest building on earth, Burj Khalifa or Khalifa Tower. It had the world record height of 2,722 ft/829.8 meters.

       When it was my turn to enter the elevator, I noticed that it was pitch black. As the elevator started moving, I gasped at the ghastly sight until lights and pictures suddenly appeared. The pictures showed where we were in the tower. When I looked to see what floor we were on, I was amazed to know that the elevator was already past the 50th floor and still continued to go up. A moment later, it stopped at the 124th floor. After I exited the door, I was so stunned that I almost walked straight into the glass that blocked visitors from falling off the edge. Looking down, I saw all the other buildings including 7-star Burj al-Arab surrounding us and they didn't even seem half as tall as the Burj Khalifa. The cars looked like ants crawling and you couldn't even see people walking on the ground. At the top, there was also some telescopes that allowed you to spot what changes had taken place in the past, present, night, and day.

      It was a miracle for this city to grow from a fishing village into one of the most fascinating cities ever in 7 years. Apparently, money talked and it made the world go around.








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