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YMCA Camp—Sport Injuries(基督教青年会营运动受伤)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月31日13:47:01 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        To me, Sports Summer Camp is supposed to be all about fun. No talent or skill, just fun. But not so much fun that kids get hurt if you ignore basic techniques. That's exactly what happened at today's 4th, 5th, and 6th grade soccer.

         No one cared about scoring except for the counselors. At one time, the 4th grade counselor came flying toward our goal. I stepped in the way of his shot. Was there any consequence? Getting hit in my right cheek with a ball kicked from two feet or more than a half meter away by a 20-year-old guy and making my eye blurred. Ouch! But it didn’t seem as worse as our goal keeper. She was chatting away with her friend when some kid blasted the ball into the side of her nose. She got a bloody nose and the game ended there.

        Soccer is characteristic of speed, strength, accuracy, foot and eye coordination, play making, passing, driving, bravery heading, slide tackle, determination, endurance, protecting yourself, etc. However, this game was more about the lack of skill that cost injuries. Nobody really had enough potential to run around the defenders, so the kids ran through them. I think that sometimes skill is required for sports like soccer.






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