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First Day of YMCA Soccer Camp(基督教青年会营足球营第一天)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月31日13:58:23 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        The 2014 World Cup is entering the final stages and the world is on the edge of its seats. Back at Lansdale Catholic HS, another soccer showdown is beginning...

        Today was the first day of Soccer Camp. Surprisingly, I would have to say that I was probably the best player of the group in terms of accurate shots, speed, foot & eye coordination, precise passes, and strong foot. Only problem was, I seemed like the Brazilian forward Neymar. I had barely anyone who could keep up. I knew all the others were few years younger, but it didn't mean not chasing the ball. The one kid who I really liked on my team was not only fast, but also determined. It was the very determination that required stealing the ball, to shoot, to scare, and to defend. All while having a heck of a time.

        Maybe I was taking the situation too seriously. This wasn't World Cup, and I certainly wasn't Neymar. So perhaps I should just relax a bit. After all, this only is Summer Camp. And here, it's all about having fun.






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