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Playdate on Labor Day(劳工节邀哥们到家来玩)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月09日13:05:37 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Having a friend over is awesome. You can relax, chat, and have fun. Today,having a friend over is even better, since it is Labor Day.

        That means tomorrow is the first day of school in the fall. So my friend, Robbie and I had a good long talk about school. After getting that over with, we went straight to video games of Minecraft, Pokémon, and Street Fighter IV. Ahhh... there's nothing better than having a friend over and playing video games together on earth. Obviously, the downside was that mom was home, and you know what mom does. "GET OUT THE HOUSE, YOU TWO AND DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE!" What a typical mom!

        After a delicious pizza and Teriyaki chicken for lunch, it was movie time. Today, it was Turbo chose from Netflix. Don't worry. This is only my 4th time watching this. Didn't matter even if it was my 10th time? I loved it.

        Being around a friend is different. We could be doing the world's lame job. But as long as you have a friend, the job might not seem so lame.






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