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Christmas in Maryland(马里兰州过圣诞节)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月11日07:58:38 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        It’s another Christmas. I’m not all that excited because of this year. Once again, I didn’t get anything new. There were no presents under the Christmas tree, no stockings up full of stuff. It was just a trip to Maryland from my home in PA for four days.

        Leaving at eleven-thirty in the morning, it would take around three hours to arrive at my mom’s friends’ house. We were staying at their house over the Christmas season since the hostess Qiuping became mom’s closest girlfriend from more than thirty years ago. The adventure began far before we even arrived, though. On the road to Maryland, many scenic pictures appeared to us, and they evoked mom yelling at me for a camera. On one specific picture, we were crossing the bridge, and I was tempted to leave the camera in the back of my car seat if we didn’t catch up with the traffic. Both sides of the bridge had fogged up to a point where it seemed as if we were above the clouds. Knowing mom amazing, professional driving skills, I gave her the camera, and hoped that we would find ourselves plummeting to our deaths as she took one of her hands off the wheel to grab the camera.

        Since I’m writing this, you can infer that I’m still alive. We got to our destination fairly early, at only around one-thirty. Mom was ecstatic about meeting her old friends, and I was the main topic for a little on how I was so skinny. I guess getting a fever had its good side. Not that it’s worth getting one, but you know, the weight loss is nice. At their new house, which was extremely spotless, Qiuping and her husband Li were quite happy and made us an enormous dinner. It looked really good with poached chicken, roasted lamb chops, sautéed shrimps, baked salmon, boiled duck, and etc. The chicken was peeled into strips the size and thickness of noodles. That infused it with flavor, but it wasn’t as good as the shrimp which tasted phenomenal. Salmon, which I usually despised, tasted surprisingly clean. It usually sensed like someone rubs salmon in the dirt, but the flavor of soil was not there today. Their son Ning came home as well to help us with the feast, and he brought his girlfriend Jessica. Together, the seven of us, we finished around a third of the food. Talk about the leftovers we would have. There was even more than Thanksgiving.

        Christmas, which usually isn’t that big in our home, was welcomed in mom’s friends’ household. It was full of fun and giving, as I got my first Christmas presents in three years. As to all of you, merry Christmas and a happy New Year!






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