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Washington DC Temple, MD(马里兰州华盛顿特区摩门教圣殿)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月11日08:21:23 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



Aiden in English

        As the weekend of Christmas rolls around, many churches are having their festivals and performances during this time. Even if you were Jewish, Hanukah just ended a few days ago. For everyone else, the holidays are here. The Mormon or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), one of the largest sub-divisions in Christianity, is having a blast.

        In Maryland, the third largest church in America was built here. It was the Washington DC Temple. This kind of Mormon Church is related to Christianity, where the lord is Jesus and all that, but what’s different is how Mormon puts family as a priority. When people are married, they are married for eternity. No, seriously, even the room they are married in has the mirror effect of staring out into infinity, as there are infinite reflections of the couple. This is sort of a ritual because the married couple will be together forever even after death. Children are also baptized at the age of eight like it.

        The Washington DC Temple itself looked as if it was just pulled out of a Hollywood movie Lord of the Rings or something. Six pillars acted as the main structure, and spires rose from each pillar. Wavy walls connected the pillars together, and the words “the House of the Lord” were engraved on the white Alabama marble wall. On one spire sat the Angel Moroni holding the gold plates in his left hand and playing the trumpet in his right. The church began when the people who practiced their beliefs were prosecuted and killed. Mormon took all the teachings written down on bronze and metal tablets and buried them in the Hill of Cumorah. Six hundred years later, Saint Joseph Smith had a message about the place where the sacred records were buried from the Prophet Moroni who returned as a resurrected being. From there, the first Book of Mormon was made after the translation of the tablets, which contained the fullness of the gospel as delivered by the Savior to ancient inhabitants of the American continent.

        The people who practiced this religion were killed everywhere they went in the past. Therefore, Mormons traveled to one place where no one cared. Salt Lake City in UT was perfect since it was so close to the deserts of Nevada. The largest church in the USA was made there. The practice was spread around the country, the continent, and finally, the world. This particular church could maybe have a few thousand people come through a Sunday. And so even in places of Asia and Africa, you can find temples and sacred gathering areas for people who follow Mormon. The Book of Mormon is quite similar to the Jesus storyline, so people that practiced Christianity could easily adopt it.

        At a young age, all children are bonded with their families for eternity. Therefore, it prevents even death from getting among family-members. Mormon, after surviving prosecution, realizes that all successes can’t compensate for the loss of family members and provides these qualities to their followers, creating peace and harmony for life and beyond.







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