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Book Review—Freakonomics(书评—浅淡《魔鬼经济学》)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年08月06日10:06:53 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        A person strolls past a plastic bag fluttering down the street. In one scenario he ignores the bag—in another, he recycles the trash. Later that day, the local news shows a report of a car crash apparently caused by a plastic bag.

        In a general scope, the individual’s actions did not affect the flow of events in any meaningful way; however, based on his decision, the person may experience a variety of emotions ranging from a twinge of sadness or great personal anguish.

        This scenario is one of many ideas that I constantly think about. I find great intrigue in the philosophy of human nature. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt is by far my most recent favorite text. I was drawn to its appeal of philosophy, logic, and straight-up humor. More importantly, I fell in love with its pessimistic view of society combined with a factual, dry delivery of the author’s claims. As a scholar who enjoys a good logical argument with my social studies’ teachers, complex topics with various approaches are fuel for my mind. In regard to Freakonomics, the book’s challenging views towards some societal tenets stimulates my creative senses. Humanity is so very complex. We interact with each other in layered ways, intimately and professionally, building connections into a large, intricate web. Philosophy of human nature has never been more important. Billions of humans are now interwoven into a system spanning the globe. Ideas fly about the world at light-speed. In this day and age, a powerful idea has never been more effective.

        As such, humanity is always improving. People develop new technologies, medicines, and ways of thought. Freakonomics and similar works expose flaws in the common consensus. Due to my intrigue of philosophical thinking, I am drawn to these works. Through the identification of incorrect assumptions or false narratives, Freakonomics addresses points in a society where a little bit of deeper thinking highlights the harsh realities in our world and shares potential fixes (the drug dealing business would certainly lose labor supply if people knew most cocaine dealers live in their parents’ basement). Furthermore, Freakonomics delves into the core of human nature in its exposing content, whittling down each complex topic into deconstructed nuggets of logic (everyone needs an incentive, conventional wisdom is often wrong, etc.…). 

        While I do not spend time contemplating the economics of selling local drugs, it is to these types of ideas that I deeply relate with. The biology of any species is focused on survival; however, humanity has succeeded in innovating past primal needs. With each decade and each century, we march forward with new technology and society-changing ideas (women’s suffrage, freedom of slaves, open religion). Perhaps these ideas derive from a young aspiring child with thinking time on a car ride or a rogue economist who challenges convention at every turn.

        Thoughts spark ideas. Ideas power actions. Actions result in change. Freakonomics constantly reminds me of the beginnings of innovation—that every change in humanity derived from a thought. One day, my actions will result in change. With challenging ideas that breach social convention, I hope to mirror Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt’s brilliant view and drive for the truth. Their thoughts are the sparks that light the path for the future. Someday, when my actions can stimulate change, I want my ideas to be impactful on this small blue planet.








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