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Personal Statement(个人陈述)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2021年04月30日13:28:15 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        “It’s down to your vote, Aiden.”

        I stared at the Science Olympiad President, fingers thumping away under my desk. I glanced back at the two options: my friend and the other final candidate.

        I voted for the more qualified option.

        Later that day, the officers told my friend that the decision for the vacant Secretary position was a nail-biter and that she was a superb candidate, but things didn't fall her way. I gave her a slight punch on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Rhea. You can contribute to this team just as a competitor just as much.”

        I consider myself a team player: I do what’s best for the team. In my first official year on the Science Olympiad roster, the best description of my role was glue. Working with many veterans, I filled in holes where our team needed help to maximize my usefulness, particularly engineering events where we lacked materials and hands.

        Thus, when standing at the fork road between Rhea and her competitor for the Secretary position, I cleared my mind of any perceptual sets in place and attempted an unbiased decision. I concluded that one would serve as a better leader and followed the decision that would benefit the team as a whole rather than myself.

        Penn State and Schreyer dedicate their resources to education on a global scale; diversity in people and opinions fill Penn State campuses. Thus, my position as the glue will aid my ability to succeed, as bringing people together into a team will create a more positive, creative, and productive environment that benefits everyone. I will not put my position first; instead, the success of others will dictate my own.









Today in History(历史上的今天):

2018: Yo-Yo and Friendship(空竹与友谊)

Yo-Yo @ 2017 Lansdale Intl Fest(2017年兰斯代尔国际节抖空竹)

2013届光华毕业生(2013 GHCS Graduates)

2016-02-20_Pennbrook MS-40001.JPGPennbrook MS Math Count Team 

(宾溪初中·数学竞赛队 06/202/2016)


12th Grade(高中四年级)

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2016: 男人梦中: 也谈谈最低工资和剩余价值
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