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How to Use College Education(如何利用大学教育)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2021年05月06日13:54:30 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

〖How you hope to use your college education.〗

        A Harvard education would best prepare me to further my life’s mission: helping those around me.

        Our public education system prioritizes “core” subjects while sacrificing survival courses such as personal finance. To promote financial literacy among high school students, I launched the virtual Southeastern Pennsylvania Investment Conference (SEPAIC). My team and I invited speakers from the business, finance, management, and accounting fields to provide insight into their careers and experiences. Using Zoom, we opened sessions to my high school and surrounding school districts. Speakers usually gave a twenty-minute presentation, followed by a questions period during which the guest and students could interact.

        Watching the curiosity of my peers pour into the tiny chat box showed me that students only needed the opportunity to increase their financial literacy. In an audience exit poll, we asked a few questions, including whether they were interested in business as a future career path. With a quarter of submissions returned answering “no,” I realized that the conferences were also reaching a broader audience than just dedicated business majors. While it wasn’t much, that extra twenty-five percent of ears meant that those thirty students would approach their futures with more financial responsibility, fulfilling the mission of SEPAIC.

        Through SEPAIC, I discovered the importance of offering opportunities for those who need them; however, to take my next step, I want to journey to Harvard University. Dedicated to educating citizen-leaders, Harvard University provides tools and services imperative to achieving my goal of helping others. In particular, I would love to study under Professor Christopher Foote. His work regarding public economic practice is fascinating and impactful, especially his publication regarding the polarization effects of the labor market on middle-skilled jobs and employment. In discussing the importance of education in rising from a middle-skilled to a high-skilled position, his studies identify adjustable scales that society can use to improve people’s socio-economic standing, a core purpose of SEPAIC. By surrounding myself with those who have created large-scale impacts, I would be able to magnify my local endeavors like SEPAIC to a national and international level with the Harvard curriculum.

        Outside of the classroom, Harvard also offers an array of services, the immediate stand-out being the Harvard College Consulting Group. To bridge the gap between academics and professional consulting, case teams work with prominent companies to analyze data and construct sales strategies. Through this group, I would be able to improve my leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, and more importantly, the group provides experience in working with and managing large-scale projects and businesses. While the curious fifty students of my first-ever SEPAIC meeting will always hold a special place in my heart, I hope that students across the country could have the opportunity to experience business at an early age. To achieve this dream, the skills provided through a Harvard education, inside and out of the classroom, would be of great assistance.








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