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oops, 香港的確有3百四十萬人拿BNO,英國有數據的。
送交者: 衣冠禽獸 2014年09月19日09:40:06 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

BNO Renewal in Hong Kong

Celebration of 40 years in Vietnam

In 2012 the South China Morning Post wrote a good article on BNO renewal and how this affects the more than 3.4 million citizens of Hong Kong. You can renew your BNO status even when your passport has expired however it does come at a price.

They have stated that many BNO holders think that once the passport has expired then they have lost out. Well you have not and you can still renew even the expired passport. The British Consulate in Hong Kong has refused to release figures as to how many BNO renewal applications they have received. The British Consulate in Hong Kong has stated that it makes no difference if your passport expired years ago it can still be renewed.

The spokesman for the consulate has said that most of their calls they receive is to ask if they can still renew their BNO status even when expired. Let me put it this way.

Renew your BNO even if your passport expired years ago!

There now I have repeated it as well. most of the questions I used to get on this website was about BNO and I have always said – ‘BNO: Yours for Life’.’ You cannot logically have an expired citizenship. Its for life! When pushed for a number they gave a ballpark figure – between 70,000 and  200,000 citizens of Hong Hong renewed theirs. That is as big a ballpark as what you can get.

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