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送交者: 岚少爷 2016年10月23日19:54:58 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
India-Russia to test air-launched Brahmos in December this year (Image: i.ytimg.com)
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India and Russia are looking to provide the jointly developed air-launched Brahmos missile with aircraft-carrier busting capability from extended ranges.

The first test of the Brahmos launched from a specially modified Su-30MKI is slated to happen in December this year. The test involves hitting a warship target in the Bay of Bengal at an angle of 65 degrees. But this capability would not enough to stop an aircraft carrier of over 60,000 tonnes. "Carriers have sealable compartments designed to survive multiple hits from anti-ship missiles," a missile scientist was quoted as saying by India Today Thursday.

India will conduct another test in the Phase 2 of the Brahmos missile next year. The missile will be fitted with a modified radar seeker that can lock onto a moving aircraft carrier and plunge onto its decks in a near 90-degree death dive. The deck of a large aircraft carrier-nearly 300 metres long and 75 metres wide-presents the largest available target for a homing cruise missile's radar seeker, the report stated.

"The sheer kinetic energy of the missile travelling at nearly three times the speed of sound and the high explosive warhead will destroy the aircraft carrier," a scientist says.

The development comes amidst reports of China’s aircraft carrier program. The Chinese PLA Navy’s first home-made aircraft carrier is likely to be seaworthy by the year end and play host to 40-50 aircraft and an Active Phased Array Radar (APAR) radar .

China is three to five years away from launching its second aircraft carrier, the first such ship developed domestically.

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