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Why all belief systems (except yours) are false?
送交者: jingchen 2021年08月12日17:06:33 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

Why all belief systems (except yours) are false?

“The starry heavens above me and the moral law within me” This is the most famous quote from Kant. The first part, “starry heavens above me”, is to acknowledge the tiny existence of human beings in the vast universe. The second part, “the moral law within me”, is to assert the supreme importance of human beings.

Kant continue to elaborate the importance of “moral law”. “The moral law reveals to me a life independent of animality and even of the whole sensible world …” Simply put, moral law “infinitely raises my worth”. That is the true purpose of Kant’s philosophy. Philosophy is a religion of the elite. The true purpose of all belief systems, for the elite and for the mass, is to “infinitely raises my worth”.

Did Kant actually prove how “moral law … infinitely raises my worth”?   Well, he said he did. He wrote books of many hundred pages to prove it. Then he told you “the public need take no interest in its subtle investigations”. It is simply too subtle for you to understand. That is the claim of all belief systems. It tells you the system will “infinitely raises my worth”. But you “need take no interest in its subtle investigations” of the system. Otherwise, soon you will become a heretic. You will commit the unforgivable crime of blasphemy.

Why all belief systems, except yours, are false? You wish to “infinitely raises my worth”. An attractive belief system has to satisfy your wish. You don’t want to be disillusioned. You will choose illusion.

You reject all other belief systems because they are false. You know that all belief systems, except yours, are false.

If all belief systems, except yours, are false, why so many people stick to them? A belief system creates a community that support and protect each other. That is more important than truth.



For more discussion about Kant’s philosophy, please read

On the Philosophy of Kant




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