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A Reflection of My Soul When I See This Photo
送交者: 雨飄柔 2016年03月25日12:34:25 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話

A reflection of my soul when I see this photo (by Tiger Yin)


On a sunny,warm spring day

All things that love the sun want to play

The grass sprouting on the moors

The hares jumping out of their doors

In the distant woods, the birds are singing

Not far away, a creek is quietly flowing

Ensnared by the flowers, I fall on the grass

Staring at the blue sky that floats like a sheet of glass

Such is a happy, pure and sweet moment

Till Mother Nature loses her temperament 

Suddenly the gusty bleak wind is cutting your bones 

Bringing along the snow like stones

All the lively things are buried underneath 

Against the cruel, reckless oppression, can barely breathe 

The poor, lonely, fragile tulips, how vainly you are

With a saddened heart I'm praying for you to a wishing star.


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