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送交者: 老尚童 2020年11月23日06:37:37 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话


Dear All,

I received the below. Curtis Bowers is the fellow who created the Agenda movies. It seems pretty legitimate:

I just got a message that says the president is requesting that every registered voter send him a snail mail letter to demand a full audit of all 50 states. 


President Donald J Trump, 

c/o The White House 

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue 

Washington DC 20500. 

He will use this as evidence to the supreme court. He is asking all of us to send him hardcopy letters as evidence we the people are demanding an audit. Please do this tomorrow. Have EVERY REGISTERED VOTER in your household send a separate letter. We need to swarm the White House mail room. Thank you.

The above info was reported on Newsmax this evening: President Trump has been censored by Twitter Facebook etc., and even electronic mail. 

Thank you in advance for forwarding this to friends and family.

Pass this on to all Trump supporters!

God bless,

Curtis Bowers

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