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送交者: 木秀于林 2021年09月16日21:57:25 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
















川普总统保荐密歇根州著名律师,只身揭露Antrim郡选票欺诈的律师Matt DePerno竞选密歇根州总检察长!川普总统称其为超级律师Super Lawyer)


Matt DePerno推特账号:@mdeperno



Endorsement of Matt DePerno

Super Lawyer Matthew DePerno is running for Attorney General in the Great State of Michigan. He has defended the Constitution for 20 years, and has been on the front lines pursuing fair and accurate elections, as he relentlessly fights to reveal the truth about the Nov. 3rd Presidential Election Scam.

Dana Nessel, the Radical Left, and the RINOs are targeting Matt because he gets results and has exposed so much Voter Fraud in Antrim County, and many more places, in the 2020 Election. He will never give up, and that’s why they absolutely cannot stand him! 

Matt will properly enforce the laws for everyone—unlike what the out-of-control Radical Left Prosecutors are doing now. He will always defend our under siege Second Amendment, loves our Military and our Vets, and will restore Law and Order in the face of rampant and record-setting crime in Michigan. Matt DePerno has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will never let you down!

Our hearts and minds are with the people being persecuted so unfairly relating to the January 6th protest concerning the Rigged Presidential Election. In addition to everything else, it has proven conclusively that we are a two-tiered system of justice. In the end, however, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!

Congratulations to General Don Bolduc on his incredible presentation regarding Mark Milley, the Taliban and China’s all-time favorite General!

Watch the interview here.


Interesting that everyone is quitting at Homeland Security. They know what a mess our Border is, and they will never be able to fix it. All they had to do is “go to the beach” and leave it alone—it was so good—the best in history!

Milley never told me about calls being made to China. From what I understand, he didn’t tell too many other people either. He put our Country in a very dangerous position but President Xi knows better, and would’ve called me. The way Milley and the Biden Administration handled the Afghanistan withdrawal, perhaps the most embarrassing moment in our Country’s history, would not exactly instill fear in China. Milley is a complete nutjob! The only reason Biden will not fire or court-martial Milley is because he doesn’t want him spilling the dirty secrets on Biden’s deadly disaster in Afghanistan.

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