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送交者: 木秀于林 2021年09月19日20:37:48 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话







波士顿美联储主席 Eric Rosengren 持有高达80万美元的地产信托,而美联储回购地产信托高达7000亿美元。

Richmond美联储总裁Thomas Barkin持有高达300万美元的企业债券。

而美联储去年采购了高达4650亿美元的公司债券。达拉斯央行总裁Robert Kaplan在全年大流行病期间交易S&P500期货,以从央行对股市的调剂中获利。 





It is incredible that our National Guard is standing at the empty Capitol, not at our Southern Border, where the number of illegals coming into our Country is at a level that has never been seen before!






当纵容中国在贸易和其他许多方面欺骗美国多年之后,我对中国非常强硬,是迄今为止美国历史上最强硬的总统。 在我执政期间,中国向我们支付了数千亿美元,终于再次尊重了美国。 在我之前,他们从来没有给过我们一毛钱。 轻浮将军马克米利(Mark Milley)呼吁中国降低我与他们谈判的热度,而这些谈判对美国的大规模利益产生了重大积极影响,他这行为令人发指。 我们并不打算采取任何军事行动——甚至从未想过,但我们在所有其他方面都如此严厉地打击了他们。 当其他所有总统都向中国屈服时,中国有史以来第一次向我和美国屈服。 “小飞象米利在我的贸易谈判中插手,如果他象报道的那样去做,他会对这些谈判产生深远的负面影响。 米利是个没有常识也没有谈判能力的白痴——这就是为什么他无缘无故地将价值 850 亿美元的世界上最好的军事装备留在了塔利班手中。 这也是为什么今晚 13 名年轻的勇士队没有与家人团聚的原因。

马克米利严重伤害了我们的国家,他应该付出巨大的代价,就像多年来希拉里克林顿竞选活动中歪曲的政客和律师一样 ,民主党律师事务所 Perkins Coie 的迈克尔·苏斯曼 (Michael Sussmann) 是此次行动的负责人之一。 纽约地区检察官赛勒斯万斯和司法部长莱蒂西亚詹姆斯的猎巫行动多年来一直在进行着同样虚假的造谣,由川普的死对头马克波梅兰茨领导,震惊的是他现在是在为 DA 的办公室工作,此室合伙人 是希拉里克林顿和 川的死对头DNC的民主党律师事务所 Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &Garrison 前所未有! 他们检查了超过 300 万页的文件(创纪录的钓鱼办案!),DA  AG 使用 川的死对头 律师和律师事务所,在他们的检方不当行为中逮到川普 他们觉得他们能崛起,却成事不见有,败事足有余,谋杀和所有形式的犯罪 在纽约都成铺天盖地,而他们的着重点居然是川普!诸多政治调查全都无功而返。 他们却去花费数千万美元与众多的仇视川普者们臭味相投。 这种情况已经持续了多年,如此不堪,我们国家的人民决不再忍受!


After many years of allowing China to rip off the United States on trade and so much else, I was very tough on China, by far the toughest of any U.S. President in history. During my administration, China paid us hundreds of billions of dollars and finally respected the U.S. again. Before me, they never gave us “ten cents.” For Lightweight General Mark Milley to have called the Chinese to “bring down the temperature” of my negotiations with them, negotiations that were having a major positive impact on large-scale benefits to the United States, is outrageous. We were not going to make any Military moves—never even thought of it, but we were hitting them so hard in all other ways. While every other President caved to China, China was caving to me and the U.S. for the first time ever. “Dumbo” Milley inserted himself right in the middle of my trade negotiation, and if he did what is reported, he would have had a profound negative effect on those negotiations. Milley is an idiot with no common sense or ability to negotiate—that’s why he left $85 Billion of the World’s best Military equipment in the hands of the Taliban for no reason whatsoever. That’s also why 13 young Warriors are not with their families tonight. 

Mark Milley hurt our Country very badly, and he should pay a big price, just like the crooked politicians and lawyers on the Hillary Clinton campaign for the years of Fake Russia, Russia, Russia stories that are now being revealed with the arrest yesterday of Attorney Michael Sussmann of the Democrat’s Law Firm Perkins Coie, who was one of the heads of the operation. I have had the same fake “bullshit” going on for years with the Witch Hunt by New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance and Attorney General Letitia James, headed by Never Trumper Mark Pomerantz, who now shockingly works for the DA’s office, but is a partner of the Hillary Clinton and DNC’s Democrat Party Never Trumper Law Firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. This is unprecedented! Over three million pages of documents have been examined by them (a record fishing expedition!), Never Trumper lawyers and law firms are used by the DA and AG to “Get Trump,” in their prosecutorial misconduct Witch Hunt, anti-Trump political campaigns are viciously waged by them to get elected—and they have NOTHING! Murder and all forms of crime are “through the roof” in New York, and their focus is on “Trump,” despite numerous other political investigations that went nowhere. They are spending tens of millions of dollars with a vast army of Trump Haters. This has been going on for years and the people of our Country are not going to take it anymore!

How disgraceful that so many people have been killed because of our incompetent Generals. The Biden Administration wanted to show that they were tough guys after they surrendered to the Taliban, which left many soldiers injured or dead, and left Americans and the best Military equipment in the World behind. Our Country has never been so embarrassed or humiliated.


It is incredible that our National Guard is standing at the empty Capitol, not at our Southern Border, where the number of illegals coming into our Country is at a level that has never been seen before!

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