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From 15 Million Acres To 1 Mil
送交者: jeesiceBenice 2021年09月20日08:47:49 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

From 15 Million Acres To 1 Million: How Black People Lost Their Land

At its height, Black land ownership was impressive. At the turn of the 20th century, formerly enslaved Black people and their heirs owned 15 million acres of land, primarily in the South, mostly used for farming. In 1920, the 925,000 African-American farms represented 14 percent of the farms in America.

Sadly, things turned for the worse, as 600,000 Black farmers were forced off their land with only 45,000 Black farms remaining in 1975. Now, Black folks are only 1 percent of rural landowners in the U. S., and under 2 percent of farmers. Of the 1 billion acres of arable land in America, Black people today own a little more than 1 million acres, according to AP….

#Black Holocaust
#Black lives matter


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