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送交者: 雪梅 2021年09月24日18:21:57 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

转视频:Home Ivermectin based kits in India

WHO 文章表扬UP地区的时候,故意不提当地政府给人民分发的药盒里面药是什么。故意掩盖伊维菌素是有效。故意掩盖维生素D,C和Zinc的作用。

Goa, home medical kit with ivermectin, zinc and vitamin D Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant in the presence of Minister for Health Shri



 Pulse Oximeter Digital Thermometer Paracetamol tablets (15) Vitamin C tablets (30) Multivitamin tablets with Zinc (30) Vitamin D3 tablets (2 packs) Ivermectin 12mg tablets (10) Doxycycline 100mg tablets (10) Three-ply face masks (5) N-95 Masks (2) Sanitizer (100ml) Alcohol based Wipes (1 box with 20 plies) Gloves (2 pairs) UP Population 204 million



 No fresh Covid cases in UP's 59 districts Last 24 hours, 191,446 samples tested 33 samples tested positive Test Positivity Rate, lower than 0.01 Active caseload Currently 187 April, 310,783 Factors to explain success Targeted testing of specific groups Early detection Contact tracing Isolation Free and timely provision of medicine kits and treatment to the rural populace $2.65 per person


 State government, 50 lakh medical kits through village surveillance committees A team of doctors will supervise the administration of doses as well as distribution of the medical kits among the children in all 75 districts of the state


 August 2020 Government Order (GO), ivermectin-based treatment kit People with mild or asymptomatic covid-19 Kept in home isolation Mild case Oxygen saturation more than 94% Moderate case Oxygen saturations 90-94% Indication for hospitalisation Oxygen saturations below 90% Of those testing positive 90% successfully treated at home 10% hospitalised Treatment pack Ivermectin Doxycycline Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin B Zinc Paracetamol Thermometer Pulse oximeter Local Covid Control Centres Twice-daily phone calls to household contacts to check on progress They asked for oxygen saturation levels and temperature readings Checked that ivermectin and doxycycline had been taken Dr Suryakant Head Department of Respiratory Medicine, King George Medical University, Lucknow, UP Overall mortality in 2020 in India was 2.4% Uttar Pradesh it was only 2.0% that is the beauty, that is the success story of ivermectin (Dr Suryakant is brand ambassador for covid vaccination in India) UP highlighted by WHO






Population 10 million


State-level clinical technical committee Chief Secretary Om Prakash to all district magistrates The panel has recommended the Ivermectin tablet as “mass chemoprophylaxis” to effectively control the surge of COVID-19 infection Official health advisory from CDC


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