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Email Follow-up to Eviction Ca
送交者: 王利民 2021年12月02日19:00:14 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

My Email Follow-up to Today's Eviction Case Hearing

by Limin Wang

Dec. 02, 2021, Thu

[Note: Today's virtual hearing at 12:30 pm was only notified by the Court through email, which showed CONFUSINGLY DIFFERENT TIME at different spots of the same email about this eviction case of 304213/21. My phone connection was mysteriously disconnected when landlord Mrs. Jyne Shiau was continuing to present vicious lies. Then, I immediately called (833)262-7886 to rejoin the conference, but an incoming call from (347) 378-4143 happened immediately afterwards. Then, later today, I found the conversation between the Judge and me was MYSTERIOUSLY RECORDED into my phone's VOICE MESSAGE. I had only one missed call from (838)384-6171 late this afternoon. When I called back to -6171, the male voice on the other end claims he was from Republican National Committee, asking for money contribution from Limin Wang or Li Li, and he answered me that this kind of incoming call to me would NOT leave a voice message. Then, it must be EVIL that has recorded into my phone's VOICE MESSAGE the part of Hon. Thermo asking me to "allow" "only" "Adult Protection Service" people to talk PRIVATELY to my "wife" Li Li. ]

Hon. Thermos, NYS Courts,


Hon. Thermos, NYS Courts,

Another follow-up email on Dec. 06, 2021

Dec. 06, 2021, Monday

Hon. Thermos, Mr. Griffin, NYS Courts,

Limin Wang

  放在跟贴里的,同样被删了电邮部分,邪恶!  /无内容 - 王利民 12/09/21 (62)
  这个垃圾万维网站删我帖子实质内容 - 王利民 12/09/21 (72)
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