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Independent voters decide who wins
送交者: 江灵飏 2021年12月02日20:51:34 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Partisans have the lion's share of the votes, but non-partisans -- otherwise known as independents -- have the final say. It is a fact that America is split down the middle, politically. That means the left and the right balance each other out. Each side therefore can only gain an edge over its rival by getting independents on board. That's good news to moderates on both sides. 

The bad news is that primary elections hardly excite moderate or independent voters. Consequently, primary voters tend to be underwhelming in number but overwhelming in partisanship. They are true believers, and many of them are downright ideologues. They hate "mushy" moderates' guts, often accusing the latter of betraying their ideals and ideologies. For moderate candidates, to survive primaries is no mean feat. Those who make it should be recognized as wizards. 

That being said, no moderate-turned-wizard can succeed without independents in a presidential election. Soaring speeches won't cut it. Barack Obama won not because of his teleprompter rhetoric but because of the Great Recession. Obama picked up independents everywhere, who were sick and tired of the Iraq war and economic woes under Bush, Jr.

Last year independents were not impressed by Donald Trump in the face of COVID-19. It looks like they are not impressed by Joe Biden either, which doesn't bode well for Democrats in the coming midterm elections. If, compared to Republicans, significantly more Democrats identify themselves as independents when casting their midterm votes, then Biden would likely lose Congress and be called a lame duck for the remainder of his presidency.

Meanwhile, we all need to keep pushing for voter ID across the board. Non-citizens must not be allowed in any polling place in this land of law.

Author: Lingyang Jiang

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