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送交者: 木秀于林 2022年04月27日09:31:52 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话





如果我像皮尔斯-摩根(Piers Morgan)在对我的虚假采访中所做的那样,操纵和重做我的话,然后让它听起来像是我走出了采访,那么失败的州长候选人、激进左翼种族主义者、纽约州总检察长莱蒂西亚-詹姆斯(Letitia James)会立即开始调查,要求重新设立死刑,或者任何可能比这更糟的事情。皮尔斯被抓了个正着,我相当喜欢做的采访现在成了泡影。我特别喜欢谈论2020年总统大选的欺诈行为,以及他在 "天气预报员 "让他看起来像个傻瓜时走下节目的方式上犯了大错。我从来没有在与他的访谈中走出去,他很容易,但他试图让人觉得我做了。与其他人不同的是,我不相信皮尔斯是一个完全的粘人精,但他失去了很多可信度。有趣的是,许多假新闻媒体都在报道他的错误。他们认为这是潜在的欺诈行为,我也这么认为。皮尔斯开局不利,但多亏了我,他可能会在一切都崩溃之前获得最后的大收视率!


佐治亚州州长布莱恩-肯普和州务卿布拉德-拉芬斯佩格也许与激进的左派民主党人勾结,让一位非常受欢迎的共和党人、女议员马乔里-泰勒-格林遭遇了可怕的事情,她现在正经历着他们试图推翻她的地狱,只是佐治亚州的选举更加混乱,包括他们仍然允许所有人用容易腐败的投票箱作弊,并且无法让一个叫做"签名验证 "的小东西得到批准。与其他共和党人不同的是,这位州长尽一切可能损害佐治亚州的投票程序,包括他批准了一个灾难性的同意法令,并且没有召开佐治亚州共和党参议员要求的特别会议。他绝对拒绝。这两次失败对共和党和我们国家来说都是一场灾难。即使是 "真实投票"True the Vote)的人,伟大的爱国者,即将宣布在佐治亚州和其他州进行大规模的选票收割,也说坎普是所有州长中最不好对付的,他不想做任何事情来帮助发现这种大规模的选票收割欺诈。布赖恩-肯普应该被选下台--投票给大卫-珀杜。记住,布莱恩-肯普永远无法在大选中战胜 "骗局 "斯泰西-艾布拉姆斯,因为大量的共和党人不会投票给他。





没有人看到的视频,因为推特在J 6日推出5分钟后就把它拿下了。




国会议员亚历克斯-穆尼是一位在西弗吉尼亚州第二国会区竞选的保守派战士。他的对手是一个支持 "解体法案 "16日解选委员会的RINO。亚历克斯为我们的退伍军人,为能源和清洁煤,为选举的完整性,为我们的边界,为就业,为反对可怕的毒品泛滥而奋斗。510日,请投票给亚历克斯-穆尼,他得到了我的完全和彻底的支持。我爱西弗吉尼亚!



昨晚在佐治亚州举行的辩论是大卫-珀杜的重大胜利,他揭露了布莱恩-坎普是一个我们都知道的RINO。这也表明,MAGA选民在选举中去支持David Perdue是多么重要。然而,如果我们的选民参加选举,戴维-珀杜将以压倒性优势获胜,击败现任者并不容易。很多事情都岌岌可危,包括创纪录的犯罪,布莱恩-坎普对此无动于衷,让巴克海德这样的伟大社区被盗窃、谋杀、枪击和毒品交易所侵占。


大卫-珀杜将为佐治亚州而战,他是唯一能够击败 "骗局 "斯泰西-艾布拉姆斯的共和党人,因为MAGA选民不会出来为坎普投票。非常可悲的是,坎普获胜将对伟大的赫歇尔-沃克的参议院竞选产生负面影响--有坎普在票上,他将很难获胜。不要让民主党人或RINO在乔治亚州获胜。请投票给大卫-珀杜,他是一个真正优秀的人,会成为一个伟大的州长。

Donald J. Trump

If I did what Piers Morgan did in his fake interview with me, rigging and redoing my words, and then making it sound like I walked out of an interview, the failed gubernatorial candidate and Radical Left Racist, Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, would start an immediate investigation and demand the re-institution of the death penalty, or whatever may be worse than that. Piers got caught red-handed, and the interview that I rather enjoyed doing is now in shambles. I especially enjoyed talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud and his big mistake on the way he walked off his show when the "weatherman" made him look like a fool. I never walked out of my interviews with him, he's easy, but he tried to make it look like I did. Unlike others, I don't believe Piers is a complete slimeball, but he lost a lot of credibility. Interestingly, many of the Fake News Media outlets are covering his mistake. They view it as potentially fraudulent, and so do I. Piers is off to a bad start, but thanks to me, he may get a final burst of big ratings before it all comes crashing down!

Donald J. Trump

Looking forward to speaking at the Heritage Foundation Annual Leadership Conference in Amelia Island, Florida this evening. See you there!

Donald J. Trump

The Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, perhaps in collusion with the Radical Left Democrats. have allowed a horrible thing to happen to a very popular Republican, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene She is now going through hell in their attempt to unseat her, just more of an election mess in Georgia, including the fact that they will still allow easily corruptible Ballot Boxes for all to cheat with, and have not been able to get a little thing called "Signature Verification" approved. Unlike other Republicans, this Governor does everything possible to hurt the voting process in Georgia, including his approval of a disastrous Consent Decree, and not calling a Special Session that was requested by Georgia's Republicans Senators. He absolutely refused. Both of those failures were a disaster for the Republican Party, and for our Country. Even the "True the Vote" people, great patriots, who will soon announce massive Ballot Harvesting in Georgia and other States, said Kemp was the worst of all Governors to deal with he didn't want to do anything to help with finding this massive Ballot Harvesting fraud. Brian Kemp should be voted out of office--vote for David Perdue. REMEMBER, Brian Kemp will never be able to win the General Election against Stacey "The Hoax" Abrams because a large number of Republicans just will not vote for him.

Trump Remains a Fundraising Juggernaut: $19M in Q1, $124M on Hand

Donald Trump remains a fundraising juggernaut with over $19 million raised in the last quarter and $124 million in cash.

Donald J. Trump

Congratulations to CNN+ on their decision to immediately FOLD for a lack of ratings, or viewers in any way, shape, or form. It was like an empty desert out there despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars and the hiring of low-rated Chris Wallace, a man who tried so hard to be his father, Mike, but lacked the talent and whatever else is necessary to be a star. In any event, it’s just one more piece of CNN and Fake News that we don’t have to bother with anymore!

My Granddaughter Kai, who is winning all over the place, just won the Women’s Club Championship, at 14 years old, at Trump International Golf Club, Palm Beach. A very strong and talented young lady.

Donald J. Trump

Congratulations to Matt DePerno and Kristina Karamo on their incredible victory in Michigan! They will go on to big victories for Attorney General and Secretary of State. I will back them strongly. Michigan is one of the worst on Election Fraud and corruption, and they will put an end to it. At the same time, they’ll get to the bottom of the 2020 Election Fraud!

Donald J. Trump

Why did Twitter quickly take down this video that I made on January 6th, and why isn’t the Unselect Committee of political hacks talking about it?

The video that nobody got to see because Twitter took it down 5 minutes after it launched on J Six.


Donald J. Trump

I want to extend my deepest condolences to the family of the great Senator Orrin Hatch, his wife Elaine, and his six children. Orrin was a true warrior for our Country, for liberty, and for his beloved state of Utah. He was as wise as he was kind, and as tough as he was smart—he loved America and his contributions to our Country were tremendous. His legacy will surely live on through the many lives he impacted. May God bless Orrin Hatch.

BIG TECH WON’T SILENCE US - Join These Popular Conservative Voices on Telegram!

Donald J. Trump

Biden’s policies are directly to blame for America’s soaring inflation

Read the full article by Rep. Ralph Norman for the Washington Times here.

The Washington Times

Biden’s policies are directly to blame for America’s soaring inflation

Every month since President Joe Biden has been in office, inflation continues to rise.

April 25

Donald J. Trump

The Special Counsel appointed by the Wisconsin Assembly to investigate the crimes of the 2020 Election did an outstanding job. He discovered many pieces of evidence that indicate foul play. Anyone calling themselves a Republican in Wisconsin should support the continued investigation in Wisconsin without interference. After all of the evidence the report brought to light, how could anyone want to stop it? I understand some RINOs have primary challengers in Wisconsin. I’m sure their primary opponents would get a huge bump in the polls if these RINOs interfere.

Donald J. Trump

Congressman Alex Mooney is a conservative warrior running in West Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District. His opponent is a RINO who supported the “Unfrastucture Bill” and the Sham January 6 Unselect Committee. Alex fights for our Veterans, for Energy and Clean Coal, Election Integrity, our Borders, Jobs, and against the horrible drug epidemic. On May 10th, Vote for Alex Mooney, who has my Complete and Total Endorsement. I love West Virginia!

Donald J. Trump

Congratulations to Matt DePerno and Kristina Karamo on their tremendous victories on Saturday evening in Michigan. This is just the beginning. They easily beat their RINO challengers because Matt and Kristina are unafraid to speak honestly about the Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election. Now onto November, where they will fight, and win, against Michigan’s Radical Left Democrats. Great job!

Donald J. Trump

Kari Lake is doing an incredible job running for Governor of the Great State of Arizona. She is fearless and is way ahead in the polls. Very honored to say that she has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Keep going, Kari!

Donald J. Trump

Last night's debate in Georgia was a BIG win for David Perdue, who exposed Brian Kemp as the RINO that we all know him to be. It also showed how important it is for the MAGA voters to go and support David Perdue in the Election. It is not easy to beat an incumbent, however, if our voters turn out, David Perdue will win in a landslide. A lot is on the line, including record-setting CRIME, which Brian Kemp has done nothing about, letting great communities like Buckhead be overrun by theft, murders, shootings, and drug deals.


David Perdue will fight for Georgia, and he is the only Republican who can beat Stacey “The Hoax” Abrams, because MAGA voters will not come out to vote for Kemp. Very sadly, a Kemp win will negatively affect the great Herschel Walker’s race for the Senate—it will be very hard for him to win with Kemp on the ticket. Don't let the Democrats, or the RINOs, win in Georgia. Vote for David Perdue, a really wonderful man who will be a great Governor!

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