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Adult-Protective-Services Menzies on 072922 "APS"
送交者: 王利民 2022年08月09日05:06:31 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

How New York City "Adult Protective Services" "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" Renders APS on July 29, 2022--- The Eviction Case LT-304213/21-QU of Landlord Maurice & Jyne Shiau vs Limin Wang, Li Li, "John Doe", and "Jane Doe"

Description written on Aug 08, 2022

by Limin Wang

My family have rented the 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355 consecutively since July 2011. Due to over a dozen categories of RENTAL ISSUES since the beginning year, plus the entangled issues of me being severely and permanently injured from humanscums' attempted murders, of my wife Li Li being seduced and coerced and drugged and brainwashed into twice desertions and returning home as daily "PSYCHOTIC" staying-home woman, and of my daughters being young still in high school or college, I paused paying the rent to landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau since Dec. 01, 2020. Mr. Maurice Shiau did NOT address the RENTAL ISSUES I brought up, instead, he furthered his intentional hostility to me. And, landlord brought his attorney to unilaterally end the lease for eviction and then to go via the "Civil Court Housing Part" for eviction. The Housing Court proceeded through two judges, first Judge Kimon C. Thermos since the first "hearing" on Sept. 24, 2021 and then Judge Enedina Pilar Sanchez with the "trial" on Apr. 05, 2022. The LT-304213/21 Eviction case reached in a Decision/Order of Eviction, up to now only EMAILED to me on Jul. 05, 22 by the court, and the earliest eviction date to be executed by Marshalls or Sheriffs is stated as Aug. 16, 2022. Now Aug. 08, 22, there is NO post of Notice of Eviction yet.

Since I learned the eviction order on July 08, 22, I have been anxiously looking for possible rental places, but sadly and madly, UNDER THE AMERICAM EVIL SYSTEM, practically NOBODY would even give any consideration about a SUFFERING family. Beyond their "offering" of EXPENSIVE RENT, these private landlords offer TRUE DISCRIMINATION to victims INTENTIONALLY UNFORTUNATED by the American Evil System's HUMANSCUMS. Meanwhile, I still have the American Dream bubble into my thinking, so I actively seek "possible help" from "We the people" or "Liberty" governments. I learned the term "Adult Protective Services" during the eviction "virtual hearings", and the July 05, 2022 EVICTION Decision mentions about APS again, so I self-referred myself to APS via an email to apsrefer@hra.nyc.gov on July 22, 2022.

Ms. "Antoinette Menzies" started to call and contact me on July 27, 2022. My online post, titled "My Interactions with Local SSA Office and APS on July 27, 2022", has detailed the separate or mutual acts and talks of "Ms. Menzies" and me on 07/27/22, with videos, audios, and living broadcasting. Please, "Ms. Menzies" is a figure of "PUBLIC SERVANT" there and here. NO EXCUSE OF PRIVACY about "governmental" or "professional" "services" to cover up the UGLY OR EVIL. Due to the "VERBAL-ONLY" decisions from the "virtual hearings" on Oct. 28, 2021, Dec. 02, 2021, and Jan. 13, 2022, "Ms. Antoinette Menzies" from APS visited and talked with me only three times, SURPRISINGLY on Nov. 03, and Dec. 03, 2021, and NOTIFYINGLY on Jan. 21, 2022. "Ms. Menzies" came ALONE on the first two vists, and talked to her presumable APS-target-person Li Li during the ending part of Dec. 03, 2021 visit. The Jan. 21, 2022 10:00 AM appointment was "honored" by "Ms. Menzies" and "psychiatrist" "David Klein" because Judge seemed to be mad about the PUBLIC VICIOUS LIES FROM "APS" and pushed for a set appointment for APS TO LI LI, not me Limin Wang. However, the DUO eventually came and taunted about "PSYCHIATRIC evaluation" ONLY on ME. Their PROFESSIONAL EVIL will be detailed, including their playing about phone numbers, phone calls, misspelt name, no addressee, no case number, confusing on APS target, OPEN VICIOUS LIES on "court", etc. So, predictably, NO whatsoever help other than real further harm from such SHAM AND SHAME APS up to the July 05, 2022 EVICTION Decision.

On 07/27/22, during my phone call back, "Ms. Menzies" set up the appointment to 10:00 AM, 07/29/22. "Ms. Menzies" would not answer my 10:04 AM text-message until claiming "behind schedule" at 10:38 AM. She called me at ~10:38 AM too, but when I picked it up, she dropped it. I called back, and she said again about 11:30 AM. "Ms. Menzies" finally arrived at ~11:52 M. During the ~27 minutes, "Ms. Menzies" refused to be on the "RECORD", while she FIRST talked about Marshalls and EVICTION. The APS she mentioned first is only to apply for housing voucher via an INTERMEDIACY named Catholic Charities at (718) 674-1000. Near the end, she asked about "housing lottery"! NOWHERE to go real! Race can NOT hide AES!

The original video of 27'35'' length is beyond the 15-min limit on YouTube, so I used online video clipping app clideo to cut it into two over-lapping clips, but the voice tempo of mine SOMEHOW was weirdly and significantly increased. The YouTube clips can be viewed at https://youtu.be/5_9bzuQsI3U and https://youtu.be/W44taVW1Lck . The original video is on facebook.com/limin.wang.94651/videos/1113435306218407.

And, the paper fragment and the sheet "Ms. Menzies" gave during her this 07/29/22 visit to me is shown in the attached picture.


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