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President Trump, Please Steer Away From Some Terms
送交者: 王利民 2022年08月16日18:07:42 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

President Trump, Please Steer Away From Some Terms
by Limin Wang
August 16, 2022

President Trump, please steer away from phrases like Radical Left, Socialism, Socialists when campaigning in the U.S.A., because your political enemies are NOT Radical Left, Socialism-trending, or Socialists. The CORRUPT governments and their personnel are only claiming to provide SOCIAL SERVICES, this and that, here and there, for "we the people", while the reality is such claimed SOCIAL SERVICES only harbor and cultivate and breed HUMANSCUMS IN SUCH GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND WHOMEVER THEY SELECT TO STICK WITH. You want to lead people to fight for governments, federal, state, and local, REALLY WORKING for  we the people. These humanscums would not even bother to consider assigning a NEARBY poll site to me! Of course, these humanscums would not even bother to render justice onto the humanscums who have inflicted murder-attempts and thus severe and permanent injuries to me; these humanscums would not even bother to educate my children to observe the widespread suffering of the real people including their own parent; these humanscums would not even hesitate to DESTORY the whole family while framing the atrocities onto the family pillar; these humanscums would not even bother to make ANY APPLICATION FOR ANY SOCIAL SAFETY-NET BENEFITS EASY AND SIMPLE, including the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer to my then high-school student daughter Alexandria Wang; etc, etc, etc. These "socialism-like" programs DO NOT WORK FOR THE PEOPLE IN NEED, but "WORK" for the governments maggots and government-raised maggots. Your political campaign does include one target, "You are fired" to these governments maggots, including many many non-elected governments maggots.

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