贺在辩论的时候千万不要与唐老鸭缠斗,唐老鸭最擅长的就是死缠烂打。贺要把共和党中的建制派和中间选民当成自己辩论的对象,看着台下的观众说:“Where are you, Mr. Ron DeSantis? Can you tell me what the meaning of Ron Sanctimonious is ? Where are you, Mrs. Nikki Haley ? Can you tell me where your birthplace is ? And what is the meaning of birdbrain?” “Where are my dear and honest Republicans? Do you believe the election result of Venezuela. No, it is rigged by its present president Maduro. Who is US president in 2020. Yes, it was Mr. Trump, this is the difference between US and Venezuela !”