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送交者: YDX 2009年01月07日11:55:19 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
http://www.shanghaidaily.com/sp/article/2009/200901/20090107/article_387229.htm Yuan-settlement test to start Source: Xinhua | 2009-1-7 | NEWSPAPER EDITION EMAIL STORY PRINTABLE VIEW BLOG STORY COPY HEADLINE AND URL SHARE DIGG NEWSVINE REDDIT FACEBOOK STUMBLEUPON DEL.ICIO.US FARK SLASHDOT GOOGLE BOOKMARKS YAHOO! MY WEB CHINA'S central bank said yesterday that it plans to implement a pilot program that would settle overseas trade with the Chinese currency instead of the US dollar. The People's Bank of China will expand financial cooperation with overseas economies and "properly deal with the global financial crisis," the central bank said. "We'll actively join international efforts to tackle the global financial crisis while safeguarding national interests," the central bank said. It pledged to implement a pilot program that the State Council announced last month. China will allow the yuan to be used for settlement between Guangdong Province and the Yangtze River Delta, China's two economic powerhouses, and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, according to the central bank. Meanwhile, exporters in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province in southwestern China will be allowed to use the yuan to settle trade payments with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Those moves are expected to facilitate overseas trade, as Chinese exporters might face losses if they continue to be paid in US dollars, analysts said. The dollar's exchange rate has become more volatile since the global financial crisis began. The central bank said it will make the exchange rate of the yuan more flexible and keep it "basically stable on a reasonable, balanced level." There has been speculation that the yuan's appreciation will slow down, which would help Chinese exports maintain price advantages in overseas markets.
      傻同學,你沒看懂老師的話。猶太人在建國之前僅占有 - 落英繽紛 01/07/09 (309)
          按照你提供的數字,猶太人占有巴勒斯坦土地也達80%, - 落英繽紛 01/07/09 (227)
            當然,妳從來沒有搞錯,就是錯了,也不能算錯,不同角度的理解而已。  /無內容 - 給點智商吧 01/07/09 (278)
              你自己想想,我怎麼會認為猶太人只占巴國人口6%呢?那豈不是太 - 落英繽紛 01/07/09 (200)
              確實是你理解有誤,需要加強學習呀。  /無內容 - 落英繽紛 01/07/09 (306)
                看見沒有,俺對英的了解可能超過她自己。英,妳繼續吧。  /無內容 - 給點智商吧 01/07/09 (243)
          我的陳述是不夠嚴密,但發表論文時我從來是注意的。請你接受我的 - 落英繽紛 01/07/09 (294)
            妳的無恥就在於此。可以“憑記憶”亂說一氣,別人質疑時拒不提供證據。 - 給點智商吧 01/07/09 (278)
    你這漢奸很精明,對着星條旗宣誓背叛你主子的黨國。  /無內容 - 5000 01/07/09 (301)
        你還想繼續造謠,“NUKE台獨”==屠殺台灣人嗎?  /無內容 - 5000 01/07/09 (290)
          “核平台灣”一語是你的發明,我可不敢侵犯版權。  /無內容 - 落英繽紛 01/07/09 (303)
            發明了 我是納粹、要屠殺台灣人的歪曲解讀。英,你少轉換話題。  /無內容 - 5000 01/07/09 (275)
        我堂堂PRC公民,你放棄對中國效忠的歸化美國公民。愛國?哪國  /無內容 - 5000 01/07/09 (311)
          你曾無數遍叫囂“核平台灣”,現在居然賴得比 - 落英繽紛 01/07/09 (269)
  好啊!讓那些反華敗類們的噩夢繼續再繼續。。。  /無內容 - 歐陽山甲 01/07/09 (187)
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