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nile: “肖氏反射弧”真相解析
送交者: nile 2010年09月26日14:54:59 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

肖传国教授在世界上第一个提出并证实 “人工建立体神经-内脏神经反射弧” 用于治疗各种脊髓损伤导致的排尿障碍。这一发现在肖传国与方舟子之间挑起了一场科学与反科学长达五年的论战。为帮助公众了解这场论战的事实真相,本文首先从学术角度根据科学文献和科学事实对“肖氏反射弧”作一番解析。







第二个问题。神经吻合会不会把神经接错。神经吻合的确有把神经接错的问题。可以把传出的运动神经与传入的感觉神经错接。但是,把腰5前角神经与骶2,3前角神经吻合不可能发生上述的错误。第一,所有的前角神经都没有任何感觉神经纤维成分。因此把腰5前角神经与骶2,3前角神经吻合不可能出现错把感觉与运动神经对接的问题。第二,腰5前角神经根由躯体运动神经纤维组成,而骶2,3前角神经根包含副交感和躯体运动神经。肖传国的基本构想就是用躯体运动神经代替原有的副交感神经来人工造成膀胱收缩。因此这个手术的另一个名称就是“体神经—自主神经反射弧” (somatic-central nervous system-autonomic reflex pathway)这里的自主神经既副交感神经。因此用运动神经与副交感神经吻合是治疗的手段,也不存在神经错接的问题。


对于反射弧手术的疗效评定,从有关论文来看,比较一致的标准是:1.恢复自主排尿的程度;2. 尿流动力学指标的改善;3. 能否不依赖导尿管。如果以完全恢复自主排尿为有效。那么这个手术的疗效很可能就是零。如果仅仅以尿流动力学指标改善为有效,疗效很可能就接近100%。从1995年到2010年,肖传国进行反射弧手术2000例。在最大的一个样本是1500例患者中的500例得到随访,有效率85%。学术界引用的是肖传国本人在国际专业期刊的两个大宗病例报道:92例脊髓损伤患者88%术后一年达到可控排尿和110例脊髓膨出患儿87%在术后一年可以成功完成可控排尿。




美国William Beaumont医院泌尿外科主任Kenneth M. Peters 2010年4月在《当代膀胱功能紊乱报道》杂志发表文章,对肖传国发现的反射弧手术方法予以综述:(附录3)
Dr. C. G. Xiao from China was the first to popularize bladder reinnervation through an intradural nerve anastomosis of a lumbar-to-sacral nerve. This concept has gained international attention, and attempts to create other somatic-to-autonomic reflex arcs to assist with voluntary voiding have been studied. In this review, we discuss the current state of the literature in this new field.

At 1 year 7 patients (78%) had a reproducible increase in bladder pressure with stimulation of the dermatome. Two patients were able to stop catheterization and all safely stopped antimuscarinics. No patient achieved complete urinary continence. The majority of subjects reported improved bowel function. One patient was continent of stool at baseline and 4 were continent at 1 year. Of the patients 89% had variable weakness of lower extremity muscle groups at 1 month. One child had persistent foot drop and the remainder returned to baseline by 12 months.
At 1 year a novel reflex arc with stimulation of the appropriate dermatome was seen in the majority of subjects. Improvements in voiding and bowel function were noted. Lower extremity weakness was mostly self-limited, except in 1 subject with a persistent foot drop. More patients and longer followup are needed to assess the risk/benefit ratio of this novel procedure.

两位该杂志编辑对这篇论文发表了评论,认为这9例手术的结果与肖传国作的110例87%有效率不同,缺乏对照,没有统计学意义(附录5)。同时刊载了论文作者Peter等人对编辑的评论做出了回应。Peter等人认为,发表这9例一年随访结果的目的是证明皮肤到膀胱反射弧是可以实现的,同时也应该了解到手术可能带来的副作用,并以此唤起全美医学界对这项研究的注意,加强对这种手术研究。William Beaumont医院泌尿外科2009年底得到美国卫生研究所NIH 230万美元研究基金,由Beaumont医院牵头,在美国几个主要医学院多中心推广研究反射弧手术(附录6)。

从肖传国1999年在美国得到NIH RO1基金64万开展反射弧手术实验室研究到William Beaumont医院泌尿外科2009年得到美国卫生研究所NIH RO1 基金230万美元,十年中肖传国发现的“皮肤-中枢神经-膀胱反射通道”已经产生了近百篇论文,2000余例有效率80%以上的手术,并两度写入外科学教科书。肖传国的反射弧手术从他一个人单枪匹马的实验室研究发展到美国多家医院共同参与的临床应用研究。就在他因雇凶打人下狱前的一周,还在阿根廷讲学并实施了8例示范手术。

方舟子2005年发表《脚踏两只船的院士候选人》。文章列举四项证据证明肖传国是学术骗子。1.在美国担任全职工作。2. 在国际期刊上发表的文章只有4篇。3. 从来没有得到美国泌尿学会奖。4. 用“肖氏手术”在网上只找到一个结果。武汉两级法院根据肖传国提供的证据判决方舟子捏造证据诽谤他人罪名成立。北京两级法院驳回肖传国对方舟子的诉讼根据的不是他们经过研判认定方舟子的证据确实可信,而是他们强行把上述证据界定为“学术争论”而拒绝法律干预。



CGUO XIAO, WC DE GROAT, CJ GODEC, C DAI, … - The Journal of …, 1999 - Elsevier
A detrusor contraction was initiated at short latency by scratching the skin or by percutaneous
electrical stimulation in the L7 dermatome. Maximal bladder pressures during this stimulation
were similar to those activated by bladder distension in control animals. ...
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CG Xiao, MX Du, C Dai, B Li, VW Nitti, WC de … - The Journal of …, 2003 - Elsevier
... Fig. 1. Skin-CNS-bladder reflex pathway. View Within Article. ... Test of skin-CNS-bladder reflex
by scratching L5 dermatome caused immediate response of detrusor and external urethral
sphincter but voiding was not yet synergic and bladder emptying was incomplete. ...
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Reinnervation for neurogenic bladder: historic review and introduction of a somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure for patients with spinal cord injury or spina …
CG Xiao - European urology, 2006 - Elsevier
... related skin. A new concept may be derived from the skin-CNS-bladder reflex pathway:
the impulses delivered from the efferent neurons of a somatic reflex arc can be
transferred to initiate responses of an autonomic effector [22]. ...
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CG Xiao, MX Du, B Li, Z Liu, M Chen, ZH Chen, P … - The Journal of …, 2005 - Elsevier
... through the S2, S3 or S4 VR. The efferent impulses of the skin-CNS-bladder reflex
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the bladder. Therefore, activation of bladder muscle will be ...
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zhengdasifuyuan.com [PDF]肖传国, 李兵 - 中华实验外科杂志, 2002 - 88889595.zhengdasifuyuan.com
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Chuan-guo Xiao
New York University School Of Medicine New York, Ny 10016
Grant 5R01DK053063-05 from National Institute Of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases IRG: ZRG1
Abstract: The neurological bladder caused by spinal cord injury (SCI) presents a significant medical and social problem. There is no satisfactory treatment yet. Supported by the Paralyzed Veterans of America and NIH, a new reflex pathway, "Skin-CNS-Bladder" for controlled micturition after SCI has been successfully established in rat, cat and canine models. Preliminary clinical application of 14 SCI patients also provided very promising results. The study proposed here is to transfer the Skin-CNS-Bladder reflex functions. The ventral root (VR) of a lumbar nerve (L5) below the spinal cord lesion will be anastomosed to the sacral VR (S2 and/or S3) which innervate the bladder, while leaving the intact L5 dorsal root (DR) as a started of micturition. After the axonal regeneration, controllable voiding would be initiated by scratching the L4 dermatome. Effect of the new reflex pathway on bladder function will be evaluated by means of electrophysiology and urodynamics. Its effect on bowel and sexual functions will also be studied. The procedure may revolutionize the treatment of neurogenic bladder after SCI, It requires relatively minor surgery on 2 paralyzed nerves. It does not involve implantation of electrodes or other devices but provides unique voluntary control of bladder emptying. Scientifically, the study will further prove the new concept derived from the unique somatic-autonomic reflex that the impulses delivered from the efferent neurons of a somatic reflex arc may be transferred to initiate response of an autonomic effector. This new concept may be widely useful, not only for neurogenic bladder, but also for other problems caused by the spinal cord injury or diseases.
Keywords: electrophysiology, human therapy evaluation, neurogenic urinary bladder disorder, neuroregulation, neurosurgery, somatic reflex, spinal cord injury, urination, central nervous system, clinical trial, functional ability, outcomes research, quality of life, skin, urinary electronic stimulator, clinical research, human subject
Project start date: 1999-09-30
Project end date: 2007-12-31
5R01DK053063-05 (2004): $642796

The peripheral nervous system, or PNS, consists of the nerves and ganglia outside of the brain and the spinal cord.[1] The main function of the PNS is to connect the central nervous system (CNS) to the limbs and organs. Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the bone of spine and skull, or by the blood-brain barrier, leaving it exposed to toxins and mechanical injuries. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system; some textbooks also include sensory systems.[2]
Neuroregeneration in the PNS occurs to a significant degree.[5] Axonal sprouts form at the proximal stump and grow until they enter the distal stump. The growth of the sprouts are governed by chemotactic factors secreted from Schwann cells.
Injury to the peripheral nervous system immediately elicits the migration of phagocytic cells, Schwann cells, and macrophages to the lesion site in order to clear away debris such as damaged tissue. When a nerve axon is severed, the end still attached to the cell body is labeled the proximal segment, while the other end is called the distal segment. After injury, the proximal end swells and experiences some retrograde degeneration, but once the debris is cleared, it begins to sprout axons and the presence of growth cones can be detected. The proximal axons are able to regrow as long as the cell body is intact, and they have made contact with the neurolemmocytes in the endoneurial channel. Human axon growth rates can reach 2 mm/day in small nerves and 5 mm/day in large nerves.[4] The distal segment, however, experiences Wallerian degeneration within hours of the injury; the axons and myelin degenerate, but the endoneurium remains. In the later stages of regeneration the remaining endoneurial tube directs axon growth back to the correct targets. During Wallerian degeneration, Schwann cells grow in ordered columns along the endoneurial tube, creating a band of Bungner (boB) that protects and preserves the endoneurial channel. Also, macrophages and Schwann cells release neurotrophic factors that enhance re-growth.
Unlike peripheral nervous system injury, injury to the central nervous system is not followed by extensive regeneration.

附录3:美国William Beaumont医院泌尿外科主任Kenneth M. Peters对肖传国发现的反射弧手术方法予以综述
Bladder Reinnervation: Is it Becoming a Reality?
Don Bui, Kevin Feber and Kenneth M. Peters
Management of neurogenic voiding dysfunction presents a clinical challenge. Traditional therapies such as clean intermittent catheterization and antimuscarinics have saved countless lives. However, a desire remains to normalize the voiding in patients suffering from spinal cord injuries. Bladder reinnervation is a novel surgical technique that shows promise in helping those with spinal cord-related neurogenic voiding dysfunction. Dr. C. G. Xiao from China was the first to popularize bladder reinnervation through an intradural nerve anastomosis of a lumbar-to-sacral nerve. This concept has gained international attention, and attempts to create other somatic-to-autonomic reflex arcs to assist with voluntary voiding have been studied. In this review, we discuss the current state of the literature in this new field.
Keywords Neurogenic bladder - Nerve transfer - Incontinence - Spina bifida - Spinal cord injury
Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports Volume 5, Number 2, 59-62,

附录4:Kenneth M. Peters在美国泌尿学杂志发表论文。报告9名患者的反射弧手术结果:
THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, Vol. 184, 702-708, August 2010
Outcomes of Lumbar to Sacral Nerve Rerouting for Spina Bifida
Kenneth M. Petersa, Benjamin Girdlera, Cindy Turzewskia, Gary Trockc, Kevin Febera, William Nantaub, Brian Bushb, Jose Gonzaleza, Evan Kassa, Juan de Benitoa, Ananias Dioknoa
Received 25 November 2009 published online 21 June 2010.
Restoring bladder and bowel function in spina bifida by creation of a skin-central nervous system-bladder reflex arc via lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting has a reported success rate of 87% in China. We report 1-year results of the first North American trial on nerve rerouting.
Materials and Methods
Nine subjects were enrolled in the study. Intradural lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting was performed. Subjects underwent urodynamic testing with stimulation of the cutaneous dermatome and careful neurological followup. Adverse events were closely monitored along with changes in bowel and bladder function.
At 1 year 7 patients (78%) had a reproducible increase in bladder pressure with stimulation of the dermatome. Two patients were able to stop catheterization and all safely stopped antimuscarinics. No patient achieved complete urinary continence. The majority of subjects reported improved bowel function. One patient was continent of stool at baseline and 4 were continent at 1 year. Of the patients 89% had variable weakness of lower extremity muscle groups at 1 month. One child had persistent foot drop and the remainder returned to baseline by 12 months.
At 1 year a novel reflex arc with stimulation of the appropriate dermatome was seen in the majority of subjects. Improvements in voiding and bowel function were noted. Lower extremity weakness was mostly self-limited, except in 1 subject with a persistent foot drop. More patients and longer followup are needed to assess the risk/benefit ratio of this novel procedure.
Key Words: nerve transfer, spina bifida cystica, spina bifida occulta, urinary bladder, neurogenic
Abbreviations and Acronyms: DR, dorsal root, EMG, electromyography, VR, ventral root

附录5:对Kenneth M. Peters论文杂志编辑的评论和论文作者Peter等的回应
The Beaumont Hospital in Michigan is one of the first American institutes that took up clinical trials of the controversial Xiao Procedure. We have previously questioned their clinical outcomes and their misleading propaganda in our Open Letter of Complaint against the Xiao Procedure.

More recently, the hospital has also become the first institute to publish clinical results of Xiao Procedure in an established scientific journal. Dr. Kenneth Peters and his coauthors wrote in the Journal of Urology of their results:
At 1 year 7 patients (78%) had a reproducible increase in bladder pressure with stimulation of the dermatome. Two patients were able to stop catheterization and all safely stopped antimuscarinics. No patient achieved complete urinary continence. The majority of subjects reported improved bowel function. One patient was continent of stool at baseline and 4 were continent at 1 year. Of the patients 89% had variable weakness of lower extremity muscle group at 1 month. One child had persistent foot drop and the remainder returned to baseline by 12 months.
The authors present the first North American experience with lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting for patients with spina bifida. The results from this study and previous animal and clinical studies by Xiao clearly demonstrate that nerve rerouting produces a somatic-autonomic or cutaneous/bladder reflex with stimulation of the lower extremity dermatome. What is also clear is that the clinical benefit of the procedure is not at all similar to previous reports.
Although the authors did an excellent job of following the patients and characterizing their changes, the results are hard to validate without a control population going through the same rigorous surveillance regimen. In particular the improved bowel continence and minimal changes in bladder compliance may not be statistically significant. The fact that most patients were still on clean intermittent catheterization and none achieved complete urinary continence is troubling in light of the report of 87% success with 110 children with spina bifida presented by Xiao. One has to wonder if most of these children are not voiding volitionally or using the newly developed cutaneous reflex, and how much reinnervation has a role in this surgery. Is it possible that unilateral denervation of the S3 ventral motor nerve produced improved compliance and continence, as previously reported in numerous clinical series?
I congratulate the authors for taking on this challenge. I hope this study leads to a rebirth or refocus regarding neurosurgical treatments of neuropathic bowel and bladder. I strongly agree with the authors that this procedure should remain on a research protocol only.
Eric A. Kurzrock
Pediatric Urology
U. C. Davis Children’s Hospital
Sacramento, California
One of the most curious findings is the discrepancy between urodynamic data and subjective voiding. One patient exhibited a decrease in capacity and an absence of reflex arc, and yet he subjectively reported improved bladder and bowel function! I could not help but speculate that his voiding after the procedure could simply be the bladder emptying via intra-abdominal pressure generation against an open bladder neck, given his preoperative stress incontinence. Xiao reported that more than 87% of 110 patients gained sensation and continence within 1 year (reference 7 in article). In comparison, the current patients undergoing the identical procedure with the help of Xiao himself only showed a modest improvement in objective urodynamic studies and subjective reporting. Unless the innovators provide a sound argument and data for the validity of the procedure, there is a great danger of its improper and rapid adaptation by patients and the medical community at large.
John M. Park
Department of Urology
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan
We agree this is a challenging study on many levels. The intent of publishing these 1-year data was to understand the potential complications associated with lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting, demonstrate that a cutaneous to bladder reflex is achievable and, given the nationwide interest in this procedure, reinforce the need to continue this rigorous research protocol until more is known about the risk-benefit profile. Hopefully our 36-month data will shed more light on the clinical usefulness of this innovative procedure.

附录6:William Beaumont医院泌尿外科2009年底得到美国卫生研究所NIH 230万美元研究基金


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