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三英籍阿人逛温哥华大卖场被“草木皆兵”,惊动警方调查,发现却是 ......
送交者: beiqian 2016年01月18日07:40:20 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

三位英国籍阿拉伯人来温哥华看眼科医师之余,带着相机逛太平洋购物中心,被人怀疑/炒作贴上网,于是the public had begun making false assumptions about their behaviour),以致惊动警方搜寻调查,却被发现是一场虚惊。


Before the night was out, the logical explanation was made public, when a Vancouver-based doctor of Chinese medicine explained what they had been up to at the mall.

Weidong Yu said the three were visiting Vancouver from England. The youngest two, a teen and a young adult, are visually impaired and are seeing Yu for treatment.

While travelling, the pair and their guardian, the teen’s father, like to take a lot of footage to better see their trips, Yu said.

That’s why they take all the photos – so they can go home and check the scenery, what they see,” he explained.

When the trio realized they had become the subject of a leaked investigation and a subsequent media frenzy, they immediately called police, Yu said.

“‘They talked to police twice. Everything is clear,’ he said. ‘It’s good news for all of us. They’re innocent. They did nothing wrong. They are safe.’


I think the people of Vancouver have been brilliant, Sharaz said,“I think the police ... the job they did was perfectly fine. Even if theyd come to our house, found out where we lived, kicked our door in, arrested us I dont have an issue with that because it’s a case of national security. They have to take these matter seriously.”

为父者现在的“main concern”是:

how media handled the security images after the leak. He said media should have blurred their faces before broadcasting and posting their images online.

“‘The way they published these pictures, theres a child in there for Gods sake,’ he said,‘Hes going to remember this for the rest of his life. Our pictures are on the web forever.’”








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