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On the will of God
送交者: mean 2012年11月07日15:16:47 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
Last week some speculated on the significance of Hurricane Sandy and its relevance to us. This actually raises a very interesting question in my mind: what do you think is the significance that Christians lost the east?

Some background info. Before the rise of Islam, Christianity, by which I mean the Eastern Orthodox Church and Nestorian Church, had an important presence as far east as Persia. Even with the onslaught of Islam, Christians still made up a significant proportion of the local populace. It wasn't until the invasion of the Turks, that Christianity declined dramatically, not to mention the fall of virtually every important urban centers of Apostolic Christianity from Alexandria to Constantinople.

What did Christians do to invite such severe punishment?
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