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送交者: mean 2012年11月11日21:03:04 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
joshua and judges are interesting books. it's esp interesting to note how joshua utterly defeated/destroyed the enemy at such and such city-state and a few chapters later israelites still have trouble getting rid of the local populace. of special interest is hazor, which was not just destroyed but also burned to the ground, yet israelites STILL had problem driving out the local populace, to the point that by the time of deborah, hazor was once again a formiddable enemy. ironically, joshua killed 1 jabin, and another jabin rises to suppress the israelites. I mean, hello? how do you let an enemy without even a stronghold to hide behind, to grow strong enough to hunt you instead, within a few generations! your take on this?
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