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送交者: 比較政策 2021年01月26日11:32:03 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話

2011年,我第一次參加Visa公司的股東年會[1],但沒有深入關注它的企業治理。2019723日,我正式向Visa提交付諸2020年股東年會表決的提案,要求改進Executive Compensation Philosophy/高層報酬哲學[2]我的提案就是要從CEO pay ratio/與雇員報酬中值的比值開始。 Visa2018CEO與雇員報酬中值的比值是147,2019年是170,2020年在全美疫情危機中繼續增長到195,這樣的趨勢不僅是個人貪婪的社會不公問題,更是無法持續的美國經濟和金融的系統問題。


今天,我從電話和網上參加股東會議。會議正式開始後幾分鐘就輪到我們兩個股東的提案,第6號是老朋友CheveddenRight to Act by Written Consent/書面代理權的提案,他按提案內容念完後,就輪到我宣讀第7號提案。我已經思考了幾天,決定不照搬去年8月時提案的內容,而要加入大選以來的社會政治變動,發表了如下簡短演說:

Good morning, everyone. My name is Jing Zhao, and my proposal is to recommend that Visa improve the principles of executive compensation program to include CEO pay ratio and other factors. There is no need to repeat the full contents of my proposal, but I want to emphasize two pints/我今天不需重複提案的內容,但要強調兩點:

First, I am disappointed of our board’s opposition statement, and especially noticed that the CEO pay ratio increased from 147:1 in 2018, to 170:1 in 2019, and to 195:1 in 2020 under the pandemic crisis./第一,公司的CEO與雇員報酬中值的比值,特別在2020年危機之中,繼續上升,令人失望。

Second, my proposal asks consideration of social and economic factors. As a nuclear Physics student in China at the late stage of the Cold War, then a Sociology graduate student in Japan and then a political scientist in the US, I have written many articles and books on US-Japan-China comparative policy issues, especially I clearly see that America’s ballooning executive compensation is not sustainable for the economy. I have similar proposals being voted or will be voted at Apple, AT&T, Applied Materials, eBay, Amazon and others./美國公司高層報酬的氣球式上升,對經濟整體是無法維持的。

"We must restore the soul of America." President Biden asks us: "my whole soul is in this — bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation. And I ask every American to join me in this cause.”The world has changed sharply and fundamentally. American corporate governance must change with the soul to unite America. The endless increase of CEO pay ratio must end, now.正如ㄅㄞㄉㄣ/拜登總統呼籲的那樣,美國需要恢復靈魂、需要全民團結,美國的企業治理必須改革,高層報酬無止境的增加必須停止。

Please vote for proposal 7 to improve the principles of executive compensation program. Thank you very much.


今天的提案只是今年工作的開端,我的類似提案還會在AppleApplied Materials等公司付諸表決。我計劃與朋友們利用ㄅㄞㄉㄣ新政,以高層報酬改革為突破口,進一步推動美國資本主義的制度性改革。


[1] 趙京:首次參加VISA股東年會2011127日。

[2] http://cpri.tripod.com/cpr2019/visa_proposal_2020.pdf


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