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社論 7.20.2016
送交者: 直言 2016年07月20日14:10:57 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

Good afternoon, my friends. This is straight talk speaking to you again. This time not at the request of Suibian who has retreated in defeat. Gracefully, by his standards, I might add. So kudos to him!

Let’s get back to business. As we saw, in response to my previous broadcast, Ms Oops spent the whole day yesterday jumping up and down desperately trying to get even.

I guess we can all feel Ms Oops’ pain. With the web of lies and deceptions that she had been weaving so carefully over such a long time destroyed, and the glamour that had never existed fading, she must have felt naked. She needed assurance. In all fairness, she had a right to defend, and probably earned the privilege to revenge. But, boy, did she take nasty to a new level. She neither rebutted on the facts nor protested against my views. All she offered was a burst of non-stop, repetitive ranting full of lies, distractions, name calling, cursing, and profanity. You know, the usual crap we have come to expect out of her mouth.

Now, let me make it perfectly clear. Ms Oops and I are not at war. The broadcast merely revealed what Ms Oops had been concealing: the truth, with the intention that her ego, which had been over inflated in biblical proportion, could be resized appropriately before it explodes. And I intend to help keep her ego in check.

Ms Oops needs to learn to live without a super-sized ego, and behave appropriately. She is not to throw her weight around like an 800-pound bully, interrupting every conversation.

Get over it. Pick up your pieces and move on, Ms Oops. You won’t meet your lost soul by pushing everybody around or telling more lies. On the contrary, the shame you bring upon yourself with such deeds over time would reach a tipping point and would be coming down to you like a ton of bricks, crushing your conscience, if you care to have one. Don’t be your own worst enemy.

God bless you, Ms Oops.

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