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送交者: 淡紫 2020年09月27日20:02:25 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

“First of all, I’ve paid a lot and I’ve paid a lot of state income taxes, too. ... It’ll all be revealed. It’s going to come out, but after after the audit. They’re doing their assessment. We’ve been negotiating for a long time. Things get settled, like in the IRS. But right now when you’re under audit, you don’t do it. You don’t do that. So we’re under audit. But the story is a total fake.”

"It’s fake news, It’s totally fake news. Made up, fake. We went through the same stories, you could have asked me the same questions four years ago, I had to litigate this and had to talk about it. Totally fake news. Actually, I paid tax. And you’ll see that as soon as my tax returns – it’s under audit, they’ve been under audit for a long time, the IRS does not treat me well, they treat me like the Tea Party, like they treated the Tea Party, and they don’t treat me well. They treat me very badly. You have people in the IRS that treat me very, very badly. But they’re under audit. And when they’re not, I would be proud to show you. But that’s just fake news.”

  依法避税,每人都在做。  /无内容 - runqun 09/30/20 (148)
  川普集团的律师Alan Garten的说法: - 淡紫 09/27/20 (161)
        最最重要的是,民诛党的伟光正女神佩洛西也没公布过税表  /无内容 - 淡紫 09/27/20 (107)
          干脆借此机会规定所有议员,民选官员都得公布税表。  /无内容 - 毛左 09/28/20 (137)
            社会屌丝有传说,美国富豪是不交税的,都是屌丝承担国家义务。  /无内容 - 毛左 09/28/20 (135)
              美国更应推广,每个人都要公布税表,国家税务部门公布。  /无内容 - 毛左 09/28/20 (146)
                那要先修宪,缴税记录属于纳税人的隐私,受保护的  /无内容 - 淡紫 09/28/20 (133)
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