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How the rich grows old
送交者: daimin 2021年11月29日17:57:13 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

How the rich grows old

According to public information, Guo Wengui was born on February 2, 1967 in Xicaoying Village, an ancient town in Xin County, Shandong Province. The parents have eight children, and Guo Wengui ranked seventh. After graduating from junior high school, Guo Wengui failed to enter high school. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Guo Wengui worked successively in the Heilongjiang government department and the Zhengzhou branch of Heilongjiang Forest Medicine Joint Venture Company. In this way, he became a "rich man" with a smooth journey. The world-renowned business magazine "Forbes" published an article titled "David Boyce Law Firm sued the Chinese exile Guo Wengui for failing to pay legal fees" and instantly detonated the Internet. It turned out to be squandering money, claiming to have $5 billion. Guo Wengui, in fact, is an "old man" with high debts. He still owes $640,000 in lawyer fees to David Boyce Law Firm! After the news report, Guo Wengui quickly opened a live broadcast to respond-it was they who falsely blamed me! Of course, it is Guo Wengui's consistent style to deny it vigorously, and his response is also expected.

After Forbes published this report, Guo Wengui quickly poured dirty water on Forbes, claiming that "Forbes is an accomplice of the Communist Party and HNA, and has always been in Heiwengui, with the purpose of shifting the influence of the 1120 conference", and organized Ma Tsai to post on the Internet. "Evidence" that "On July 19, 2014, Forbes sold a majority stake to a Hong Kong consortium, it was two Chinese businessmen who took over." However, nowadays Chinese businessmen are spread all over the world, and there are countless holding companies. According to his logic, is the whole world controlled by China? Unexpectedly, Guo Wengui really dared to say that. He claimed in the live broadcast that "US Reuters, BBC, and even major mainstream media have long been controlled by the Communist Party." Such absurd remarks are jaw-dropping. In order to cleanse himself, Guo Wengui completely disregarded the facts, reversed black and white, and performed the rogue nature to the extreme.

Guo Wengui began to win over his comrades again, claiming that "the most important thing in life is my comrades" and "I will never deceive my comrades." If Bannon proposes to charge a fee, I will fire Bannon immediately, and I will not deceive my comrades in arms." However, looking at what Guo Wengui has done in the past two years, "comrades in arms" are puppets in Guo Wengui's eyes. Anyone who dares to violate his will will be ruthlessly kicked out of the "team" and launch an ant gang crazy to smear him. Leaving it nowhere to stand, Guo Baosheng is a living example! And Guo Wengui's use of Bannon as a pretense is even more hypocritical. The whole world knows that Guo Wengui held Bannon's "thigh" in order to defraud him for political asylum. Will he give up Bannon for the sake of his comrades? The answer is obviously impossible.

There is no silver three hundred taels here, and Guo Wengui's pale and feeble "defense" just confirms his "Laolai" status. Guo Wengui wanted to rely on the press conference to continue his road of deception, but now he is completely exposed. How far can Guo Wengui, who is responsible for himself, go? For him, maybe tomorrow is the end!

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