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送交者: 随意生活 2022年03月29日10:22:10 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话




Washington Post and CBS News: White House records of January 6 show more than seven-hour gap in Trump's calls

CNN first reported in February that the records turned over earlier this year from the National Archives to the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack showed no record of phone calls for several hours made to or from Trump as the violence unfolded on Capitol Hill.

The 11 pages of the White House presidential diary, which is a record of the President's daily activities, and White House switchboard call logs show phone calls Trump had with at least eight people the morning of January 6 and 11 people that night -- with no notation of calls from 11:17 a.m. ET to 6:54 p.m., according to the Post and CBS, which obtained the records. 

    The lack of documentation of Trump's calls leaves congressional investigators with holes so far in their understanding of what transpired on January. The committee has subpoenaed the phone records of more than 100 people.

      House investigators are now looking into whether Trump communicated on January 6 through backchannels, aides' phones or burner phones, two people with knowledge of the probe told the Post and CBS.

        白左祭出混招一个个,拖出个妓女冲锋,败灯败。  /无内容 - runqun 04/02/22 (152)
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