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送交者: 寄自美國 2008年11月08日20:35:00 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話






還有日裔在二戰時被關進集中營。很多青年日裔全家被關,自己卻被徵召入伍,編在一個部隊,好象叫442部隊吧,派往二戰歐洲主戰場,當成敢死隊。這幫日裔青年,為了證明自己效忠美國,一個個都成了拼命三郎,很少有活着回來的。至於黑人的地位以及他們的抗爭,我就不多說了。想想幾十年前,在這片土地上,少數民族和婦女都沒有選舉的民主權利,今天,我們卻選出了一位有百分之五十非洲血統的總統,America has come a long long way。難道這不是一件具有劃時代意義的大好事嗎,不值得慶賀嗎?奧巴馬當選了,全世界高興的人多了去了,而不僅僅是華人在“傻樂”。我倒是想問問那些不樂的華人,究竟要發生什麼事才能博得您老的千金一笑呢?




花大貓說“黑人歪打正着當了總統”。我曾經也支持稀拉里,但我一直覺得她太polarized,喜歡她的多,恨她的人也一樣多。如果民主黨由她出馬,結果未必就會好。民主共和黨使了卑鄙手段,這本來也是政治的醜惡本質,沒有什麼好奇怪的。當年要沒有Ross Pero出來攪局,克林頓也不一定當選。要沒有Florida的選舉舞弊,布什也入主不了白宮。2004年,“Swift Boat for Truth”出來往克里臉上抹屎,克里也不反擊,白白丟了江山。醜惡是政治的本質。讓我欣慰的是,奧巴馬陣營相對老馬陣營要更positive一些, 奧巴馬也沒有被馬肯的negative campaign打垮。






 下面是我今天收到的email, 與你分享.寫email的人是我們市內很受尊敬,事業很成功的一位老華人,明晚我們這裡的華人有一個慶祝大會:

Dear Friends:

Sorry that I will miss the Obama Victory Celebration on Saturday. I am going to Providence, R. I. to celebrate my sister\'s 85 birthday, but my spirit will be with you.
I have pre-recorded the Asian Radio Hour for 3 to 4 PM November 9 , 2008, the entire hour to celebrate the Obama Victory. Remember the work is not done but just beginning. President Obama needs us to continue to work hard to help him bring the country back to good health.

When I saw on TV that Ohio went for Obama my tears came to my eyes and my memory of the past went through my mind like a movie. From the moment I arrived in the USA in 1949 via Air France Air from Shannon , Ireland to Boston I was told that no one in the U. S. Immigration , Boston knew how to process the visitors from China because there were different immigration entry procedures for the Chinaman. We had to wait for the Immigration officer come from San Francisco. On that Air France World inaugural flight from Hong Kong to Boston passengers like Dr. & Mrs. Peter Chen (Ellis Yan\'s Aunt, eventually we met again in Cleveland), Anna Chennault and Dr. Kung and his family (Dr. Kung was the new chairman of the Bank of China in America) We were put in a hotel in Boston. We were allowed to travel as a group with a government agent as escort. It was two weeks before the U.S. Immigration Agent showed up to process us and release us. This was just the beginning in the USA that was a land of prejudice unless you were white and Protestant . Then the Korean war broke out. I recall being on the highway from Boston to Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania where I stopped by a road side cafe where they refused to sell me coffee. There are many more personal experiences about prejudice. Let us not forget Vincent Chen who was killed by two un-employed auto-workers in Detroit. The defense requested to move the court hearing from Detroit to Cincinnati who was the hotbed for the John Birch Society . This is the area where \"Joe the Plumber\" resides. All of you know the results of this court case, the jury found the killers not guilty and the trial resulted in a very minor fine. Everyone knew that the reason the trial was moved to Cincinnati is because it was below the Mason Dixon line, home of the KKK and bigotry. What a farce it was......................so when I learned even Hamilton County in Ohio voted for Obama then I knew that even Southern Ohio made progress. But my friends the work is not over, it is just beginning. We must make an effort to reach out to all the people who did not vote for President Obama to ask them to work for the benefit of all Americans and challenge their sense of patriotism.
Sincerely yours,

  這文章寫得不錯,說的都是大實話,頂!  /無內容 - 真實話語 11/09/08 (170)
    謝了!  /無內容 - 寄自美國 11/09/08 (125)
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    你Y現在只能嘔酸水了,嘿嘿  /無內容 - 真實話語 11/09/08 (112)
    你老兄讓我哭笑不得。 - 寄自美國 11/09/08 (213)
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          老祖宗早教過你,以子之矛陷子之盾。  /無內容 - 邏輯 11/10/08 (127)
    大選前,你抹黑小奧,大選後,你漂白小奧,你那是嘴嗎  /無內容 - 真實話語 11/09/08 (254)
      選前勸華裔不要盲目跟風,選後勸非裔不要疏於監督奧巴馬。  /無內容 - 邏輯 11/09/08 (279)
        反正一個事,你今天說它黑,明天有說她白,自己打自己耳光  /無內容 - 真實話語 11/09/08 (210)
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