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送交者: 对对眼 2020月06月07日17:00:24 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 哈哈哈。左驴不作不死。居然打出要停止给警察拨款的口号对对眼 于 2020-06-07 16:56:21

  • 8 hours ago
    Defund the police? Be careful of what you ask for! Years ago when the voters San Jose, CA voted on a measure to scale down the force and the police salary and pensions. Guess what happened? Many cops left the SJPD and crime rate rose. A lot of home break ins took place, cops could not respond or investigate because short of manpower. Then people started to whine when the felt unsafe and nobody was therecto protect them. Talk about Karma.
  • lalaladoor
    8 hours ago
    LA, NYC, Minneapolis, and other cities are considering defunding police. Here's what will happen, defund police, crime increases, property values fall (decreasing property taxes), taxes raised, crime continues to increase, businesses shut down, law abiding citizens leave, taxes collected continue to decrease due to businesses closing and wealthy people moving. Within 18 months the crime rate will high, reduced well paying job opportunity. They will need to hire a police force but will not have the taxable base to draw from. If you're in an area considering defunding police, sell your property and move while you still can. Good luck.
  • Andrea
    7 hours ago
    Defunding the police will get citizens crime, law abiding citizens leaving for other areas, property values dropping like a rock, businesses leaving, and tax income will drop which will affect every single other area of the location (schools, roads, parks, services, etc.) It will kill the place.

    It would make more sense (which is why the liberals don't like the idea) to increase funding so that they can do better background checks, have better training for the cops, increase the number of cops so they are less stressed and there are more cops to pick up the slack if a bad one gets through and needs to be fired, and there can be more community interaction and outreach so that each side (citizens and cops) see the other as a part of the solution to crime not the problem.

    These cities have been run by liberals for many, many years (some like Chicago for 75+ years) and NOTHING has changed in all those years. Now, when people start protesting, they say they'll change and the change is to get rid of cops. Think people, this isn't smart and it isn't going to protect those who are the most vulnerable.
  • groy
    8 hours ago
    Without the funding, police forces will have to reduce their numbers, so the amount of active police responding to calls will be depleted. That will bring into play "private police forces" that only the elite, i.e - celebrities, one percenters, and politicians, can afford. The remaining members of society will have to protect themselves.
  • NSA
    8 hours ago
    George Floyd was sentenced to five years in prison in 2009 for an assault and robbery committed two years earlier. He was convicted after pleading guilty to entering a pregnant woman's home and jabbing a gun in her stomach while searching for money and drugs, according to court documents.

    According to the court report, the white pregnant victim said the largest member of the group, who she identified as Floyd, "forced his way inside the residence, placed a pistol against the complainant’s abdomen, and forced her into the living room area of the residence."

    "This large suspect then proceeded to search the residence while another armed suspect guarded the complainant, who was struck in the head and sides by this second armed suspect with his pistol while she screamed for help."

    Floyd, who was accompanied by five other men, never found any money or drugs, but took jewelry and the victim's cell phone. A neighbor who observed the robbery occur wrote down the license plate number of the perpetrators.

    Even before that, he had been convicted of a range of charges from armed robbery to drug possession.NO R.I.P. for Floyd, he was a menace and very dangerous to society.Floyd was an isolated incident blown way out of proportion by the bias news and now is being manipulated for political reasons.

    WAKE UP America ! These protestors are being played, as part of an agenda to create social unrest during an election year with a Republican incumbent, just like in 1992, when the Rodney King riots occurred after the officers who beat Rodney King were acquitted , and the GOP incumbent, George Bush, lost to Bill Clinton. Does anyone actually know exactly what they want? Do any of them really even know? If you asked 20 of them, you'd get half that couldn't really say, & the rest would all give different, indecisive, abstract answers. With a lot of angry voice raising, but nothing of actual substance or meaningful debate.

    Let's recall that it was the Obama administration that decided to give surplus military equipment to local police departments. It's this "militarization" of the local police that Democrats are now trying to blame on the current administration.
  • Matthew
    7 hours ago
    What defunded police means is longer response times. Police less trained and less equipped to deal with situations. And the very real possibility that if you call them for a violent home invasion or a break in it might be 15 or 20 minutes before a state police agency can get an officer to you ( cause state police agencies will have to pick up the slack) regional police agencies can have long lag times too. So what that means is buy a gun or 2, learn how to use it, get some body armor and be ready to defend your home or business with lethal force. Cause I’ll tell you this, if the police can’t get there quickly enough and someone is trying to kick in my door, I will not hesitate to do what I have to to end the encounter
  • podo
    7 hours ago
    I was a victim of a home invasion 23 years ago when 3 armed men broke through a window, setting off my alarm. My wife and I hid in an area near our master closet, trying not to make a sound. The police arrived within 5 minutes and arrested the men, all of whom had long criminal records. Being a police officer has to be an incredibly tough job...the vast majority of them are good people. If you really believe defunding the police is a good idea, you are part of the problem.
  • Mike
    11 hours ago
    I pray that the DNC adopts this into their platform.

    "...into less violent emergency response programs that involve health care workers, social workers, conflict interrupters, restorative justice teams and community organizers."

    Perhaps they should send the above into Chicago today for 6 months, then get back to us.
  • joyce
    9 hours ago
    Good police do a difficult job. They deserve good pay. Good pay also attracts better quality candidates. Getting rid of police altogether and taking money from their budget does not make communities safer for anyone!
  • Russell
    9 hours ago
    Wonder who those same protesters expect to call when they become victims of crime? I think it's a pretty safe bet that if the ARE no police, they WILL at some point become victims. Not every state or municipality has a "stand your ground" or "castle doctrine" law. In fact MANY cities don't even allow a person to carry pepper spray let alone a firearm so how do these people expect to protect themselves? Just curious....

  TNND.雅虎一看苗头不对,把这头条新闻居然撤了 /无内容 - 对对眼 06/07/20 (46)
      各地示威打出的defund police 的标语 - 对对眼 06/07/20 (42)
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