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If Biden promises trillions in reparations for Black Americans, he could make it to the White House... But would he pay up?

Robert Bridge
Robert Bridge

Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of the book, 'Midnight in the American Empire,' How Corporations and Their Political Servants are Destroying the American Dream. @Robert_Bridge

If Biden promises trillions in reparations for Black Americans, he could make it to the White House... But would he pay up?
Top Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is being asked to pledge that he will endorse $14 trillion in compensation for the slave years if elected. Will he make the pledge, only to brush it aside once he’s in the White House?

If ever there was a time for the US black community to demand reparations for being subjected to the centuries-long slave trade, now is certainly it. In the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of a white cop, the country is convulsing from the fires of protest from coast to coast. At the same time, a large chunk of the population, when not adjusting their surgical masks, is hand-wringing over their purported ‘white privilege’. To further complicate this nationwide nervous breakdown, we are just five months away from what promises to be the most contentious and momentous US presidential election in recent memory.

Enter Joe Biden, 77, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who may be tempted to turn on the money hose to pacify Black Lives Matter and end the looting, burning and general chaos that has shaken the United States to its very foundation. To this end, it didn’t come across as a subtle form of bribery when Delaware State Senator Darius Brown strongly suggested that Biden do what he can to fund reparations.

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