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送交者: 绿野仙人 2021年03月22日07:13:12 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话


别装逼。 ok。 现在大家都看你们的表现呢。捐钱还是骂拜登。你们看着办。

Border Facility Photos Leak Revealing Hundreds Of Children Huddled In "Terrible Conditions"

Tyler Durden's PhotoBY TYLER DURDENMONDAY, MAR 22, 2021 - 08:15 AM

Photos from inside a US Customs and Border Protection overflow facility have leaked, revealing hundreds of children huddling on the floor of eight 'pods' - each of which are supposed to hold 260 people - yet one of which had over 400 unaccompanied male minors crammed together, according to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), who provided the photos to Axios to raise awareness about the situation.

The photos, taken over the weekend by someone else, come amid a media embargo by the Biden administration, which has refused to allow press into the facilities to observe and document what's going on.


Cueller, who toured the Donna, Texas facility but did not take the photos himself, described the setting as "terrible conditions for the children," who he said need to quickly be moved into the care of the Department of Health and Human Services - which is currently at capacity due to a surge of migrants into the United States following President Biden's pro-illegal policies.

More via Axios:

  • Border Patrol agents are "doing the best they can under the circumstances" but are "not equipped to care for kids" and "need help from the administration," he said.

  • "We have to stop kids and families from making the dangerous trek across Mexico to come to the United States. We have to work with Mexico and Central American countries to have them apply for asylum in their countries."

  • As of Saturday, there were 10,000 migrants in CBP custody overall. Nearly half were unaccompanied minors — thousands of whom had been waiting for more than 3 days in border patrol facilities, according to government data provided to Axios by another source.

"I have said repeatedly from the very outset a Border Patrol station is no place for a child," said DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a Sunday interview on CNN - discussing the situation he helped to create. "That is why we are working around the clock to move these children out of the Border Patrol facilities into the care and custody of the Department of Health and Human Services that shelters them."

Project Veritas, meanwhile, has also obtained exclusive footage from inside the facility.

How will Biden's water carriers defend this?

  昨天的报道,注意黑体字but那句: - 淡紫 03/22/21 (203)
  比在他们的祖国要好  /无内容 - newwild 03/22/21 (135)
    你真的clueless,知道多少这种小孩被杀被QJ吗? - 绿野仙人 03/22/21 (136)
      嗯嗯,你不说我还以为自己通天了呢。。。:)  /无内容 - pifu01 03/22/21 (114)
    好担心MC赶过去做义工,到时又要在万维啰嗦好几年  /无内容 - 淡紫 03/22/21 (187)
      得瑟。金额要精确到小数点后面两位。:)  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (134)
        你小心,MC挺娇气的,我们都不敢说得太重  /无内容 - 淡紫 03/22/21 (139)
          他在文学城就那样,十年如一日。哈哈。  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (160)
            没有在过文学城,也没有在个那个什么园, 如果有人发帖 - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (158)
              更不要说什么十年如一日。  /无内容 - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (109)
              请注意,  /无内容 - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (129)
                好吧,可能我认错人了。你没走就好。:)  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (137)
                  请注意我说的是离开五味。 - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (159)
                    茶馆也会少来, 没有意思。 最近也就蚍蜉的佛学可以看一下 - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (159)
                      我觉得啥贴都挺有意思。包括你的。  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (143)
                        比五味好一点吧。 五味就是每一个人都要打到。 - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (176)
                          只有自己倒了才是倒了。  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (133)
                            文字游戏没有什么意思。 :-)) - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (167)
                              贺兰仙人可不是玩文字游戏,您注意一下他的行为,言行一致的  /无内容 - pifu01 03/22/21 (140)
                                什么一致, 乱说话, 你让他把文学城的帖子转过来 - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (172)
                                  哈哈,你说的Dei!我把你跟Santa99搞成一个人了。  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (148)
                                  对别人宽容点,也是对自己的宽容。  /无内容 - pifu01 03/22/21 (132)
                                    这句话你是对我说,还是对他说? :-)) - mingcheng99 03/22/21 (129)
                                      当我没说。我错了:)  /无内容 - pifu01 03/22/21 (119)
                                        不错,还是慢点好。:)  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (99)
            不生我的气了?赞你  /无内容 - 淡紫 03/22/21 (110)
              怎么会,你陪我话痨,得谢谢你。  /无内容 - 贺兰平涛 03/22/21 (119)
      然后没去做义工的被打击得在他面前抬不起头。MC所要不过如此  /无内容 - 淡紫 03/22/21 (103)
  如果你们什么都不说,以后就少胡扯了。  /无内容 - 绿野仙人 03/22/21 (114)
    无能为力的事,说又有何用?要说只说有能为力的事  /无内容 - newwild 03/22/21 (99)
      他们大肆攻击Trump那是什么?  /无内容 - 绿野仙人 03/22/21 (116)
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