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工作面试-You're hired!
送交者: 小百合 2009年02月15日22:45:08 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

                 You’re hired! 找到工作)

              Ten tips for a successful job interview!


We asked personnel officers at companies in New York,

Los Angeles, Toronto, Miami, Chicago, and Vancouver:

What should job applicants do to have a successful job

interview? Here is their advice:


1. Dress neatly. Don’t dress sloppily. Comb your hair neatly.

2. Arrive promptly. Don’t be late for your interview. Try to

    arrive early.

3. Shake hands firmly. A firm handshake shows that you are

    a friendly and confident person.

4. Look at the interviewer directly. Make “eye contact.” Smile!

5. Listen carefully to the interviewer. Listen to the questions

    carefully so you can answer accurately.

6. Speak politely. Don’t speak too quickly, and don’t speak too

    loudly or softly.

7. Answer questions honestly. Tell the truth.

8. Speak confidently. Describe your skills and experience completely.

    If you don’t have experience, you should talk about how you can

    learn quickly.

9. Speak enthusiastically(热心地). Show that you really want the job!

10. Send a thank-you note promptly. Thank the interviewer for his or her   

       time and express again your interest in the job.




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