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1.1 Preparing for Studying in
送交者: starvisitor 2010月09月11日15:01:29 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 历尽风雨:我的移民之路starvisitor 于 2010-09-11 14:58:05

1.1 Preparing for Studying in Canada

It was really a big deal to me when I decided to pursue higher education abroad in the summer of 1998.  That year I was already in my 30’s. I got married and had a four years old son. I held a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Computer Science. In Shanghai, China’s fast-paced and most cosmopolitan city, I worked for a local software company as a software developer. Like other IT guys, I had a stable, good paying job. So I had never thought about studying, working and living in any other country than China until some day I repeated to ask myself these questions: are you satisfied with your life so far? What are you looking for in your life? What is important to you? You might have encountered a number of opportunities in your life; however, how many opportunities have you grasped on earth? Are you looking for life change right now?

I kept asking myself these questions again and again. Sometimes I got confused in determining the direction of my personal life. My parents were too old. They had never been expecting me to leave them.  Particularly they were not prepared to see my son living so far away from them. However, the belief of seeing outside of the world gradually and fully occupied my mind. I finally decided to take action when a golden opportunity came knocking at my door. Now looking backward, I was so lucky to grasp the chance. It was the most important decision I made in my personal life.

Here I have to mention a little more about Professor Noumoff who gave me an unexpected help. Dr. Noumoff became my MA supervisor at McGill University later. In the summer of 1998, Dr. Noumoff was invited by the Chinese government to pay an official visit to Beijing and Shanghai. I happened to be referred to Dr. Noumoff by one of my friends, Dr Pu Yikang, who completed her PhD degree at McGill in late 80's and then was a professor at the Chinese Academy of Science. I served as Dr. Noumoff’s personal interpreter during his stay in Shanghai. This was a fantastic chance for me to listen to a great scholar and learn something new and interesting from the outside world.

During his short visit, I took the advantage to talk to Dr. Noumoff and explore the possibility of my studying abroad. Dr. Noumoff suggested that I apply for MA program in East Asian Studies at McGill University based on my background and interests. He was very patient to listen to my study plan and help me make self-assessment. He pointed out that my background was not bad but I had to pass the language test to meet the minimum admission requirements since English was not my first language. I was asked to submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) grade. A minimum score of 600 on the paper-based test or 250 on the computer-based test is required.  He told me he would be happy to be my supervisor if I was successfully accepted by the university. Dr Noumoff served as a faculty member at both the Department of Political Science and the Department of East Asian Studies at McGill University.

So the first barrier for me to overcome was English. I chose an intensive course at Qian Jin Language School. This language school was the best one in Shanghai at that time. I spent almost every minute in learning English since I had not done any language exams for a long time. This kind of effort got something in return. I improved my English effectively and efficiently in a short time.  I took the TOFEL test in August 1998. The score exceeded the minimum admission requirement.  I was happy and felt confidently submit my application to McGill University. In October, I received an acceptance letter mailed in a plastic bag from the Office of Admission, McGill University. Later I knew that was Dr. Noumoff who put the plastic bag on the envelope so the envelope would not be damaged by rain water. I was so excited when I got the letter. I couldn’t help telling everyone I knew to share my happiness and success. My dream of studying abroad would become true soon. That was the first step I made to get into Canada.

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