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送交者: polypoly 2005年12月28日14:01:36 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話

1 If you didn't get completely ready before you settled down here, that means if you still had some doubts before you came here, you should just temporarily land and think about it again and again. So in the case you could easliy go back China.

2 Maybe you didn't think too much, just whole family landed here, then you found so many problems here, and you can't go back before you gave away everything in China, or you have no face to go back since you said goodbye to everyone, well, it's your fault. But you still can gave away everything here in fact there is none here and go back to China. It seems much more easier than you did in China because you don't like here, no well-paid job, too much discrimination, and no good to your kids...etc. Obviously, you haven't been here long, you are still connecting with China very well. Another way that lot of people are doing in is that you stay till 3 years, get citizenship, then go if you worried about that you can't go out easily if you go back.

3 Leave family here since many women like here as well as kids if you still have a little trust to Canadian education system.

Of course everyone would feel frustrated if the expectation was higher, but the reality wasn't even close. But if you think in another way that your expection wasn't real, real world is different, to see what you can do, what you can try.

After 5 years, no matter how bad they felt, how terrible sitiation they had, for new immigrants, if they tried, they should have something to be proud.

Actually, as I see, after 5 years, except those who bring a lot of money, most of the immigrants from China, if they chose staying here, would be settled down not too bad, regular jobs, houses, second child..., well, happy life.
You would be like them too, I believe. You might be so glad to come here to give you a second chance in your life to make a change.

Think about it again,加拿大民工.

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