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Swing Low
送交者: jingchen 2018年05月14日18:49:55 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

Swing Low

Whether we toil the soil, or soil the office, life is hard for many of us. At a time of hopelessness, we might look up the sky. We see a band of angels, taking a splendid chariot, swinging down from the heaven, to carry us home. Here is the song.

Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home

I looked over Jordan and what did I see
Coming for to carry me home
A band of angels coming after me
Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home

If you get there before I do
Coming for to carry me home
Tell all my friends I'm coming too
Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home


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