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Mortgage rate VS Real estate
送交者: Baisc101 2004年06月30日16:36:54 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

Mortgage rate has been far high beyond the Fed rate for years since the Fed began to reduce its rate in 2000, so even the Fed rate rising in a steady speed in next couples of years, the mortgage rate have won enough leeway to re-adjust its rate to feed real estate market. Mortgage companies would take the policy to promote their business that's a lower profit with large customer base. For them it's a tough business way than what they are doing now. But they have the room and ability to do so.

Second, the real estate is most influenced or impacted not by interest rate, but by the jobs or employment. As long as the economy growing in a steady speed, the real estate will grow with it.

If you are worry about your existed property would d????ue duo to the new peroidic of inteste hiking, just peace your mind. The odd of happening is very tiny or almost imposible.

If you haven't had a house yet, take the last lower rate chance to buy one. Why the interest rate adjustment has so powerful force to control economy and to cool down the hotness in real estate market? Because, 1% increasing the interest rate has the more than 10 times force to house price increasing, i.e. mortgage increase 1%, that's you'll pay the mortgage about a house that was increased about 10%-20% in the price by depending on the loan size. So even the houses decreased the price 10%-20%, you cannot feel it existed if the mortgage rate had increased 1%. The burden is same.

Theorfore, rising interest cannot stop house price increasing, but only, in the most possibility, reduce the speed or ratio of house price .

Also you have to take the politics issue into consideration as well. The social main stream controls the country policies, they are the people almost 100% have real estate property. Can you imagine they would see the huge bad impact happen to their property? If you want to get your property protected in a way or another, the best choice is to join the economic main stream by possessing a property the main stream has. Simply buying a house.

The dream of buying a house when the house pricing d????ued is far beyond the reality. People who hold the mind, in a most possibility, end up with a even high cost to have a house.

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