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表格I-485 - 调整为美国永久居民
送交者: Peter93 2013年12月01日12:44:43 于 [加国移民] 发送悄悄话

 Form I-485 Adjusting to United States Permanent Resident 

After your I-140 petition approval, the Form I-485 is used to apply to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to adjust your status to U.S. permanent resident.You may apply to adjust your status if an immigrant visa number is immediately available to you, based on an approved I-140 Form. An adjustment of status application is filed by a beneficiary of an approved immigrant visa petition. The adjustment application is filed after the receipt of an immigrant visa approval notice from the USCIS.

When an immigrant visa number becomes available, you can file an I-485 Adjustment of Status application to adjust your status from non-immigrant status to U.S. permanent resident. You need to provide personal information and your dependent information to theUSCIS, and USCIS will use the information to determine if there is any reason why permanent residence should not be granted.

When you send your I-485 application to USCIS, you may also submit the I-765 form for Employment Authorization Document (EAD) application, if you and your spouse want to work in the United States while your I-485 application is in process.

If you have applied for adjustment of status and want to travel abroad while the I-485 application is pending, you may need permission to return to the United States after traveling abroad. If you do not apply for Advance Parole before you leave the U.S. and your current status in U.S. is not H or L, you may be abandoning your I-485 application with the USCIS, and upon your return, you may be refused admission to the United States.



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