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Time will resolve this issue.
送交者: 广东南蛮 2008月11月26日12:43:32 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: How did you due with it?dean 于 2008-11-26 09:40:59
We have to recognize and explain the facts to our children that there are always a stereo type and preferences in any society. Encourage your kids to face it and deal with it themselves. This is a social skill and experience they have to learn from it earlier the better.

I don’t think it is a major racial discrimination issue. I also don’t believe a parent should go to discuss this issue with the coach and strip their children’s learning experience to face the society down the road. Keep an eye on it and trust your kid has the mental ability to resolve them issue and learn from it. Your kid will come out as a stronger person.
  Thank you! /无内容 - dean 11/26/08 (238)
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