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送交者: 笑菡 2009月02月27日05:33:18 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Thanks for your infoYani 于 2009-02-26 14:50:18
To me, it is concerning to see nasdaq leading the way down this week, it has held better than sp and dow in the last couple of months. It has the better fundamentals than sp and dow.

C may follow the same fate as RBS as government slowly increase it's % towards nationalization.

Gold is trading inversely to the stock market, it's probably a buy here at $950 again. Oil had a reliefed rally this week because: inventory withdraw in the last two weeks; oil market THINKS that equity market may have bottomed in the short-term; and, some fund money flow into oil. I doubt it that it has the strength to $50 in the near term.

Very important: Reading from o8's new tax increase policy, 39% for hedge fund managers from 15%? fund managers will think 3 times figuring out what that means to their investment strategies before they put money back into the market.

725-745 is key for sp.

Very sorry, 丁丁妈妈. :-)
  C got murdered this morning - Yani 02/27/09 (301)
    Yes, it's the best solution - 笑菡 02/28/09 (325)
      Roubini called - Yani 03/01/09 (335)
        Ha? Roubini called you? :-)) - 笑菡 03/01/09 (256)
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